View Full Version : Real Symptons???

03-06-09, 21:48
I was ok until the other week when i noticed that i was been feeling quite bloated and uncomfortable (put this down to IBS as everyone seems to have it in my family) but it hasn't gone away. The last few days i've started to get full really quickly, i'm having to force myself to finish my meal. My complexion is sallow (i look pale all the time even with make-up on) and i'm feeling constantly tired and i keep getting sharp pains in my stomach plus (and sorry for this) but my stomach kind of flips and hurts when i go to the loo and not just when i have a bowl movement. I'm keeping calm ish, which actually worries me a bit more as usually by now i would have been to the docs and googled.
Please tell me that there is a reasonal explanation and that these aren't symptons of the big C.

03-06-09, 22:23
please someone respond i'm now starting to worry.

03-06-09, 23:29
well i googled. I knew IBS would come up but i honestly don't think its just IBS are these trypical symptons?? i can't ask my family they all think i'm mad and i get this exasperated look from them when i ask health questions. I also have a really loud rumbly stomach as well and when i went to the docs he asked me if i had this and at the time i didn't so i said no but now i do i'm worried that its a sign of something more serious.

03-06-09, 23:51
Yes THEY ARE ALL symptoms of IBS. Read up on what you can do to help with regarding diet etc on the IBS page on the main menu. Buscopan from the chemist is very effective . Take care it will get better, being anxious makes it worse.Luv Sue:hugs:

04-06-09, 16:42
I have had all of these symptoms and it is anxiety. Last week my tummy was really bad - but now I've focused on something else (MS, how lovely - I'm obsessed with pins and needles and body pains - it's doing my head in and very depressing) my tummy pains have completely gone. If you stop thinking about it and stressing about it, it will go away. I found whilst I still did have tummy pains that gaviscon helped and eating an activia yoghurt everyday so have a go! x

04-06-09, 16:43
I just read the bit about your loud tummy too - I get that alot! The doctor said I might have IBS but like l said, once I started focusing on something else, it went away x