View Full Version : Do you think i'm being irrational about this?

03-06-09, 22:14
I had a pregnancy test about 1week ago and it came back neg. but i'm so paranoid about an ectopic pregnancy and internal bleeding from it rupturing so i'm thinking maybe the test was wrong especially if i was only a couple weeks along in my pregnancy. I'm dizzy which is a sign of bleeding internally but i know its also a sign of anxiety. I Hate this
What do you think?

03-06-09, 22:40
Are you trying to get pregnant or is there a possibility that you could be pregnant? Also have you had an ectopic pregnancy before?
P x

03-06-09, 22:55
I'm not really trying to prevent pregnancy cuz my hubby wants another baby so i really could be pregnant. Hubby thinks i'm being irrational cuz i had a blood pregnancy test and he said it would show up on there even if i was 2 or 3 weeks along. I do have a history of ectopic pregnancy but it did show up on a blood pregnancy test but someone told me it doesn't always:wacko: I just wonder how they find out your pregnant if it doesn't show on a blood test?

04-06-09, 05:40
I had an ectopic pregnancy 3 years ago. I had a + home pregnancy test the 1st day after my missed period and a + blood test 2 days after that. A blood pregnancy test would tell...the numbers would just be low. I have been TTC since and have LOTS of blood pregnancy tests since as soon as day 1 of a late period. They would be able to tell. If you were pregnant, the test would show HCG. If it ectopic, the numbers would not double every 48 hours like they are supposed to. ectopic does not mean low or non existent numbers....relax....trust me....i speak from experience with this...if it was ectopic, they would have found it by now. so you are 3 weeks late and not preg? stress could cause your period to be late....so could convincing yourself your pregnant!

04-06-09, 05:41
can i ask you.....for my own sense of knowing....you have a history of ectopic pregnancies...do they know why? Were you ever able to get pregnant in the right place? I have been trying for 3 years and nothing....and they dont know why. my tubes are open. Thanks for sharing!