View Full Version : Please Help Me.

03-06-09, 22:42
I am in hell. My husband collected the last of his stuff from my house today while i was out. When i got home there was his key and a note that he'd left apologising for hurting me. I am panicking. I can't stop freaking out. I am so scared. I am in pain. I can't bare the thought of never seeing him, touching him, talking to him, sharing cuddles, kisses, his smell....his everything. I cannot possibly live without all those things. I HAVE NO ONE ELSE. NO ONE. I haven't got anyone to talk to about this. It's killing me. There is nothing here that reminds me of him. EVERYTHING HAS GONE. My heart is broken and i can't see that this is ever going to get easier. I've cried for 5 days solid. I've not slept either. My mind is racing with fear about my future. HE WAS MY WHOLE WORLD. I have nothing else.

What makes this bu**sh** worse, is that some stupid idiot women drove into the back of my mums car at 30mph on Monday. I am suffering with pains in my back now and all i wanted when i got home was to be hugged, but of course he's not here. He won't ever be here again.

03-06-09, 22:48
if i could give you a real hug i would!:hugs: I'm sorry to hear about your current situation it will take time it will get better, we are all here for you:hugs: i have been strugglin and have been emailin the samaratine and they have been great supporting me with my anxiety mayb you could try that? it fet so great to speak to them about how i was copin with my anxiety

04-06-09, 00:21
I can't help take your pain away, you must be hurting so bad right now and I am so sorry about that x.
don't stay on your own! stay with family,
you had a life before him, you were ok before him and you will be after.

Veronica H
04-06-09, 00:55
So sorry to hear this Belle. I know that anyone who is brave enough to make a Blogspot as you have will come back from this as there is courage in there. :hugs: Take care Veronica

04-06-09, 06:42
Please someone take this hurt away. Not slept at all since Saturday. I just want to see him but he's refusing to answer my calls/texts.

I've cried ALL night again...
I am dying here.
The pain is too much to bare.

04-06-09, 07:00
I Want This To End

04-06-09, 18:56
I would gladly take all of your pain away so that you didn't have to suffer another second of this heartbreak. It is terrible what you're experiencing and my own heart is breaking for you also.

I just raced home from work where I was secretly checking into NMP for some comfort and then I saw you post. I practically ran out of work (family business) and told them I was going to email a friend. You know what they said? "You don't have any friends". Ordinarily this would cause an onslaught of tears as it is true -I really don't have any friends BUT this time I didn't cry because all I could think of was helping you. I can't post on my work computer so I have come home to send you love because you are important to me and to this entire forum.

You are a special person there is no one else like you in this world. You have truly great qualities but it is easy to forget this when one thing makes us sad the entire house of cards can tumble down and everything can seem hopeless. But Belle dearest- there is always hope ( or so I am told !)

You are strong- so much stronger than you realize and it is okay to feel sad and lonely. It is okay to panic about the future- when we don't know how things will be we can tend to worst case scenarios but the fact is it's never as bad as we think it will be.

It feels empty like you have no one and nothing and I KNOW how horrible and this is but you do have something. You have friends and love surrounding you. I am here for you during this grief and anguish.
I am not very computer savy but I am going to help you get through this.

You take care I am sending lots of love XXXXXX !

04-06-09, 19:24
:hugs: :hugs: I've been thinking of you the last few days as I read both your blogs I didn't reply to your post as I have no real words of wisdom to offer you just a hug:hugs: :hugs:

I know at the moment you feel your pain will never end but it will pass and get easier your a strong girl and you will get through for both yourself and your son.

You may even a long time in the future find yourself where I'm at with my ex begging me to take him back and me telling him where to go after all I've come so far and on my own why on earth would I take him back now:shrug: .

I know at the moment everything seems so black and your very scared of how your going to cope alone your not totally alone right now you have the support of the people here.

Your a strong girl who has lots of offer the world.
Take some of the pain your feeling at the moment and try channel it into getting yourself well show the ex hubby what you can do make him regret his discision to divorce not to get him back just to prove him wrong.

Take care :hugs:

05-06-09, 19:34
Im sorry you are hurting and in so much pain .All you can do at the moment is cry and let it all out.There will come a point when there will be no more tears.The pain inside will fade and you will feel ok.Time as they say is a great healer. You are a lovely young woman and you truly deserve much better than him.My guess is one day he'll really regret what hes done to you.Sending you a Big hug ! Look after yourself ,you will get over him. luv Sue:bighug1: xx This is one of my fav songs, hope it helps to get rid of some of those tears!
www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfC6CCtZjxk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfC6CCtZjxk)