View Full Version : Not out of the woods.

02-09-05, 09:44
Hi All, as usual I am posting for positive vibes.
As a few of you know on Tuesday I was taken to hospital for the first time ever, without going into details it was diagnosed a severe anxiety attack and I was exhausted.
It appeared out of the blue after a lovely day out.
This has really scared me and today Ive got up feeling worse than ever. Delayed shock I guess from the hospital visit alone.
When I had a major panic attack in public over a year ago it stopped me socialising altogether (although at the time I was a great deal worse than now), today I feel I dont even want to go out the house.
I am returning to work on Monday ,after 6 weeks off, (like many others )and am supposed to be going to a charity weekend next weekend.
I am sure this will pass and Mondays routine will put me back on the right track.
I try to be positive all the time, and am continously making plans to cope but sometimes we get tired when we think we are out of the woods and something like this happens.
i am sick of this anxiety as im sure you all are. Thanks guys, Love Alexis,xx

02-09-05, 10:13
Hey Alexis,

Sorry to hear you're having a bad time at the moment. I am sending lots of positive vibes your way!
I can imagine how drained you must be feeling, and hopefully you can perhaps get some rest this weekend and charge your batteries ready for Monday.
You know that you've have dealt with feeling like this before, and you have overcome it. Try to remind yourself this is a annoying blip, and try not to let it set you back. (easier said than done i know!).

All my positive thoughts are with you!

tracy x x

02-09-05, 10:21
hi Alexis,

Positive vibes coming your way!! :)

Going into hospital, especially for the first time, is a horrible experience so it is no wonder that it has taken a lot out of you. I'm sure that once you start work again, all will fall into place.

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

02-09-05, 10:46
Hi Alexis,
Its just a blip honey on the road to recovery, and like you say once you get back to work and your normal routine im sure you will be fine, just take it easy over the weekend, and you will be raring to go on monday morning.
Take care
love, hugs and positive vibes
Trac xx

its "just a thought"

02-09-05, 11:41
Hi Alexis,

I'm thinking of you, hope you're feeling a bit better now. You're bound to feel a bit worse after that scary experience. I had my first ever bad panic attack on holiday two years ago and just couldn't breathe etc, hubby took me to a local hospital where they did tests and found nothing wrong,
but I know how you feel.
Take care, sending lots of positive vibes for you

02-09-05, 12:06
Hi Alexis (piggy hun),

The odd setbacks/blips I find hard too.

If I have a good patch and then have an anxious patch somehow it feels worse cos I've slightly forgotten the feeling.

I'm sending you lots of good vibes and I would put Tues behind you - 'onwards and upwards'.

Love Pig xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

02-09-05, 12:21
Hi Alexis

Yes, those symptoms and the panic that followed are now in the past and you can chalk it up to experience.

If you ever feel like that again you know that you have been there before and got through it ok- not pleasant but still ok.

Try and have just a little walk today as its beautiful and sunny - it is here anyway.

It is so natural for us to recoil from a fearful situation and feel the aftershocks as the feelngs and thoughts about it all filter through our system.

We will be thinking of you next Monday and urging you on..


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

02-09-05, 12:56

I know how scared you were after the hospital visit and it so hard to believe that it can all be down to anxiety etc.

Try to have a chill-out few days before work on Monday and get some early nights as well.

Will catch up with you on-line later.

oink oink



"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

02-09-05, 13:28
Hi Alexis

Sorry you've been having such a bad time. It is not surprising the anxiety attack and visit to hospital have knocked you back a bit but you can come back from this.

Will be thinking of you on Monday.

Take care.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

02-09-05, 13:50
You know there are always positive vibes and big hugs coming from my direction :D

Yes, try and chill as much as you think you can, but I know it ain't always easy.

Maybe when you start work again, you'll have more distractions around?

Be Cool!


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

02-09-05, 17:47
Thanks everybody, wouldnt it be wonderful if we could put things that have happened behind us at the end of each day, my life would definitly be less anxiety based.
i love my job so much and really am waiting for Monday, unfortunately I havent got any better as the day has gone on but it is so good to have you all, Love Alexis,xx

02-09-05, 18:42
Hi Alexis

I'm sorry you are having a bad time at the minute. I will send you positive vibes for Monday too - at least you know that you like your job which must be a little comfort.

Take care

Helen x

02-09-05, 18:52
Hi Alexis

Thinking of you loads and sending you lots of possitive vibes.

These blips aren't they awful, I to have been to the hospital, many times now LOL

Stay strong, you are doing great



Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

Sue K with 5
03-09-05, 00:49
Hi Alex ( my little sis)

The events of tuesday are as you say a set back which we have all suffered with. You have had a few rough weeks recently and these tend to play catch up with us.

But your a strong, caring lovely person who I know will come through this, I know it feels like crap at the moment but you have the strength and the determination and the support of all us guys to see you through this, and all those children need you back on Monday to do the brilliant job you do for them.

We will just have to work on getting through those damn woods and send those good vibes to you.

Er you did not say whether the doctor was horny ! and if he is give him my number will you, could do with a doctor in the house !

You take care and big hugs from me and I will talk to you later !

All my love

Sue with 5 xxxxx dont forget that dotors number


03-09-05, 13:11
Hi Thanks for thoughts and vibes,
right Sue.........my big sis, surely you are setting a bad example to me!!
Ive sat for hours trying to think of what to reply to your comment about dr etc, well I cant match you so.. from what I can remember he was good looking but I didnt ask if he was horny , it isnt usually at the top of your list as your fading in and out of the real world, would you like me to find you one, I know a lot of people I can put my feelers out, lol, you told me i wasent to give your phone number so I would have kept him for myself anyway, go sort the kids out Sue, speak later(in icons ) no doubt love Alexisxxxxxxxxxxxx