View Full Version : suicidal- scaring myself

04-06-09, 07:59
I have had enough of anxiety panic and depression. I have fought it for so long and I can't hack it any more. I wake everyday in fear and terror and yesterday and again today I have started wanting to put an end to it forever. My thoughts are scaring me x

04-06-09, 09:18
I just read this - and Im sorry but I dont really have much advice except to back up the above post.

I just felt I couldnt pass by without giving you a hug to let you know you arent alone :bighug1:

Gem xx

04-06-09, 09:37
I have had enough of anxiety panic and depression. I have fought it for so long and I can't hack it any more. I wake everyday in fear and terror and yesterday and again today I have started wanting to put an end to it forever. My thoughts are scaring me x

If your thoughts are scaring you, you are unlikely to do something silly. But you must try and talk to a doctor today, call for an Emergency Appointment and talk things through.

The doctor will help you with your thoughts.

Good luck and hope you feel better soon x

04-06-09, 10:04
So sorry to hear how you're feeling - I do understand as it's a really debilitating illness. I hate that feeling of fear and terror and have it quite badly today.
If you're unable to get an emergency appointment with your doctor, perhaps you could 'phone NHS Direct?
Please remember you're not alone with this. Please let us know how you are.
Louise x

04-06-09, 11:18
i had that feeling last week it really freaked me out even thought of thinking it! it has passed now i just had to distract myself as much as possible so i no longer have that problem and fear, im trying t push myself to do more each day and the more it goes well the more positive im feelin and more confident i am getting.... so key is destraction from that thought which is freaking you and keep positive about all good thoughts, feeling and stuff you end up doing. You will get there ! its just takes time be positive if ur struggling come on here we will support you as much as we can x x:hugs:

04-06-09, 12:07
We are all here for you Sara,you are having such a hard time at the momentI know. But it will pass my love. You can always go in the chatroom if you need to speak to someone .Sent you a PM .earlier.Lots of luv and Hugs Sue:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: xxxx

04-06-09, 12:24
so sorry you feel so bad we have all felt like that and you can feel better you just need some help possibly tranquilizer for some immediate relief . Maybe you should go and see your GP I hope he is a good doctor, tell him you feel suicidal because that is an emergency. Can you obtain some counselling as soon as possible because it may take a long time on the nhs,look in the local paper under listings there are usualy some counselling agencies there. Whatever is going on in your life is making you feel this way have you got parents that can help someone with some wisdom. Try not to be scared life is not easy but it can get better there is always hope.

04-06-09, 14:04
phoned samaritans, waste of time.:weep:

04-06-09, 14:14
What happened ? they are usually v/good .Is there a MIND org in your area? Hugs Sue:hugs: Go in the chat room Sara! xxx

04-06-09, 14:51
Hi there

I am so sorry you are feeling this way.
I am going to add a link with some other numbers that can be of help to you...


I hope things improve for you very soon
Take care

04-06-09, 16:42
sometimes the samaritan you get does not suit you try again

04-06-09, 16:55
you can email them, i did cus i felt i couldnt cope with the the verbal communication:)

04-06-09, 17:20
I have phoned the samaritans on one occassion and didn't have the greatest of experiences myself - but it is worth phoning back and see if you get a more helpful advisor second time round. The other option is to email them jo@samaritans.org which I've actually found more helpful.

Please call someone - a close friend or a member of your family. I know you don't feel like it but when I have been in that situation afterwards everyone has said how much they wished I called them (one friend was in tears when she realised how low I'd been and that she hadn't been able to be there for me because I hadn't told her what was going on)

I've also been on the end of the phone when someone has phoned me feeling suicidal and I would be there again, drop everything I had planned and listen because I care for that person.

So trust the people that care about you the most and ring them. They will be there for you x x x :hugs:

04-06-09, 17:49
husband taking me dr 6.30 pm

04-06-09, 18:42
Please let us know how you get on! :hugs:

04-06-09, 21:19
dr said I'm a lot worse and is calling a crisis team tomorrow 1st thing. I feel scared as hospital is a possibility and it would kill me having to go. I still feel the same, can't take any more. Actually have become more depressed as the day progressed. Am exhausted but can't sleep sick with worry.cant even cry I feel so bad . Think I've gone mad actually. I feel so unlike the person I was.

04-06-09, 21:25
im think of you hun, while the terrible time you having. Hope you start to feel better soon x x x x :hugs:

04-06-09, 21:32
Was hoping you would have felt a bit better now your hubbys homeSara.You havnt gone mad,but Im glad the Dr is doing something for you.Youll be ok and try not to get too upset if you have to go into hospital,it will be the best place if you still feel like this tommorow.My thoughts and love are with you ,please let me know how things go .Hope you feel better soon .Luv and Hugs S ue:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: xxxx

04-06-09, 21:34
Dear Sara I'm sorry that you are feeling like this. If you are planning to harm yourself then hospital might not be a bad idea. At least it will give you some time to get yourself together. It is years since I have been an in patient in a psychiatric hospital on the NHS but even then it wasn't a bad place to be. Please take care and post when you can. We will all be thinking of you. Jane. or pm me if you like.

05-06-09, 16:34
thank you everyone. Have not been hospitalised. In fact the cpn i work with phoned me and said he will tel again monday. Husband and sister took turns to be with me all day. Feel flat emotionless and numb as well as terrified today.I am hoping it has been a bad reaction to buspirone which psych prescribed for me and have now stopped taking it x

05-06-09, 17:24
I know that feeling 'flat and emotionless' that's just how I am right now, since having to take the Bipolar meds again, which is why I hated taking them in the first place.

Only,.. I can't live with the meds, nor without,.. am just kind of stuck.

I hate it, it's horrible. I don't feel real happiness, real saddness, real emotion anymore. I just feel robotic and not me.

Anyway, I'm glad you've found the help that you've needed.

Keep your chin up and keep going.

Look after yourself and stay well. xx

05-06-09, 18:57
oh poor you katie its an awful feeling- these chemicals!!. I hope things improve for us x

05-06-09, 19:48
I truly hope things get better for both of you soon .You both have been through so much and deserve a break from all this suffering.luv Sue:bighug1: :bighug1:

08-06-09, 21:12
Hi Sara I was wondering how you are today?