View Full Version : citalopram nightmares

04-06-09, 11:09
I was wondering does anyone have vivid nightmares on citalopram? I started on 20mg, which was upped to 40mg which only worsened them. I was waking up every hour or so in a cold sweat, tangled in my duvet, waking my partner up by shouting. They were really awful and the memories of them followed me though the day.

Anyway, i told my GP, who prescribed "Zopiclone" which has helped considerably, allowing me to get a more peaceful night's sleep. So if anyone out there is having this problem, it might be worth mentioning to your doctor.

05-06-09, 18:14
I get weird nightmares with this, nothing too terrifying just strange and trippy and totally out of context with me, used to frighten me but now I have learned to live with it, saying that some nights I still wake up in a fright and find it hard to get back to sleep.
