View Full Version : hello all

04-06-09, 12:07
My doctor suggested this website to me last week, and i've spent the past week on the wrong one! I'm so glad I found you, as you're much more promising then the last!

So, here's my mini-biography:

I'm 23.

I've been bulimic since I was 11.

In Dec '08 I began to get severely depressed (though have had mild depression often).

Jan '09 took a paracetamol overdose.

Since then I've been in a state of high anxiety, and having frequent panic attacks. Only leave the house to go to the doctors.

I've been on Citalopram since Jan for the depression/anxiety, but not having the greatest effect, so hopefully changing soon. And am waiting for group CBT for the bulimia.

I'd be very interested in speking to anyone on here with similar problems.


04-06-09, 12:18
Hi and welcome.
Glad you've find this site. I only joined on Saturday and am so glad I did as it certainly helps to know I'm not the only one with these problems, although I wish others didn't have to suffer!
I'm sure you will find the support you need on here.

04-06-09, 12:29
Thank you for the warm welcome, I'm sure this will help


04-06-09, 12:40
Hi and welcome you have had a rough time, can you afford private counselling it will be quicker than anything on the nhs your life will get better we all have a tough time when we are young and we all need lots of help I am glad that you have found this site you are not alone now

04-06-09, 14:02
Hello and Welcome to NMP , lots of advice and understanding here , glad you eventually found us , i think it will be good for you to have group CBT for your Bullima , look in the NMP shop for free downloads of claire weekes self help for panic and anxiety , take care:welcome: d x :flowers: