View Full Version : panic attack query

04-06-09, 12:32
When i'm mid-panic attack, it feels like i'm watching myself having it from a way away, is this normal? Or rather, is this common?

04-06-09, 14:07

Once someone I knew called my name when I was having one. I snapped in the real world again. Someone knew I was alive! I mattered enough for them to notice me. That was the beginning of my slow recovery. They kind of saved me, with one concerned word, when no one had shown me any concern in a long time. I will never forget them for that :)

04-06-09, 14:09
Thank you melody, it's so difficult to know what's "usual" with panic attacks. I know what's usual for ME, but it's hard to know if you're different, don't you think? This website is brilliant x

04-06-09, 15:55
It's funny isn't it? When I used to try to act like I was on top of things, it was like no one cared about me at all. Now that I am honest about being different, about having all these intense emotions, about not being normal. I have never felt so accepted before. By letting go of my fear of speaking the truth, my other fears are melting away too.

The one thing that shouts out to me is that it's OK to fall apart. It makes me more normal than acting like I'm perfect all the time & hiding my true feelings. Everything gets clearer all the time for me now, even though I often still feel bad. I understand everything now! It's not this crazy side of me at all! I am allowed to express anger or sadness or fear or grief. It's OK. I never used to know that before.

It's amazing what a few words of comfort here or there can do for a person. I will never stop speaking the truth now I have learned this. I hope I can help anyone feel like they are OK in my lifetime, if only I had the power. Once the truth is seen, it can never be unseen... Everyone is as they should be. Strength builds up over time.

Thanx. You helped me remember good things :) Wishing you the best!


05-06-09, 01:20
Definitely normal! I've experienced this a few times and during my worst ever panic attack this sensation was the strongest it's ever been. In a way it felt like it was 'saving me' from completely losing it, like everything was just too much to bear so my consciousness sort of zoomed out.

06-06-09, 10:59
Mmm.. Last time I had a panic attack I couldnt breath then I went numb, my fingers and toes started to tingle. Eventualy my whole body tightned up so I couldnt move, my hands were like claws. It really hurt my muscles after about 20 min. Anyone else had this happen ?

07-06-09, 20:11

I believe this is called Derealization..Very Common among Us panic/anxiety sufferers.
