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View Full Version : In need of advice

04-06-09, 13:59
So I went to the doctor today because I have been worried about MS - I've been getting pins and needles in my arms and legs and various other symptoms which worry me.

Last night I woke up with a very strange sensation in my leg - I'm not sure I can even describe it but it was like a heat or weakness in my thigh. Has anyone ever had this?? I forgot to mention it to the doctor today but it keeps coming and going and it's really worrying me. The doctor said to me that if I had something serious wrong with me the sensation would be there all the time - not just when I was thinking about it. This has worried me because the sensation in my leg keeps coming and going - it's not necessarily whether I'm thinking about it. I'm so so worried. Please does anyone have any advice?

04-06-09, 14:40
Thats anxiety, you get it because your nervous systems is over effitient (sp)

04-06-09, 18:26
i worry about ms, among other things, and have many many symptoms. i also hope that it is anxiety. anxiety can create the same symptoms of many neurological deseases. if your mri comes out clean then you know its just your anxiety. if it was ms, you should know that many people full lives and it berely affects them at all. It does not shorten your life.

04-06-09, 19:09
Well the doctor didn't seem to think that was necessary. He said if I still have the same symptoms in a few weeks to go back but he said he was fairly sure it was not that. I'm still worried though! I just seem to look at a list of symptoms of MS - have a few of them (which are the same as anxiety), look at a list of symptoms of anxiety - have all of them, yet still presume it's MS. I can see how a rational person would look at that and say - well it's probably anxiety - BUT it's so hard to be rational when you feel like this. I also looked at a list of symptoms for hypochondria today and have ALL of them. That might be a clue!

agent orange
04-06-09, 20:24
I have undifferentiated somatoform disorder, which is the same or similiar to Hypochondria and yes you can have somatic symptoms that are real...
Check it out, it's not dangerous, just a mental health issue..