View Full Version : I Cant' Breathe!! Plz Help Me

04-06-09, 15:00
Hi Everone,

I had to go on antibiotics for an infection about a week ago and was sort of taking them sicne then. I usually never read the side effects because I know what it will do to me, but the pharmacists opened them in front of me when I got them and I seen there popping up like a sore thuimb - in rare cases may cause lung failure(death). I have been unable to breathe since. i went to emergency yesterday - my oxygen levels were 99%, blood pressure - perfect, they took a chest xray and listens to my lungs - all good and took blood to check for clots and that was good. Even thought I went through all that I juat have the feeling that I cant breathe - i feel shaky and dizzy and my back hurts... i just wanna cry! I know its all me and I cant fix it... I'm at work - trying not to miss another day with this insanity and looking for someone to help with relaxation tips for this....thanks fors reading :weep:

04-06-09, 19:32
Get a paper bag, and breathe in it. I know it sounds lame and until recently I didn't believe in it, but it works. You're hyperventilating and you're anxious. Your lungs are not shutting down. That feeling that you can't breathe is one I've gotten numerous times before, and I know my heart and lungs are functioning just fine too. Work your butt off at work, distraction helps.

04-06-09, 21:18
i mate iv had this u want to get some relaxation tapes they realy work allso do deep breathing ex 7in 11 out

05-06-09, 05:43
Do some breathing exercises. Lie flat on your back and place your hands on your stomach. Breath in slowly and and feel your stomach expanding under your hands. Breath out slowly and continue this for about 5 minutes. It will help you to relax too.

08-06-09, 17:35
Thanks everybody - your tips really helped.... its still lingering today - but less... i really appreciate your ideas... more than you know