View Full Version : Bruised spinal cord

04-06-09, 15:25
My dad recently passed out in the night after coming back from the toilet. I called an ambulance and they thought it was a cardiac episode. They done all the tests in hospital and thankfully his heart is ok, however he was complaining of pins and needles in his hands coupled with a very painful sensetivity. At this time the docs still thought it was cardiac related and said it would go in an hour or so however it is still with him some 2 weeks later. Yesterday he went for a MRI scan and the woman who works in the department said it looks like he has bruised his spinal cord when he fell, How serious is this? Will it heal by itself? and as much info as you guys can provide will really be appreciated.
Thanks Mark

04-06-09, 16:13
Hi Mark, I am sorry to hear about your Dad. With something as complex like this, I feel that it would be irresponsible for anyone on here to give information. We're not doctors..there are different levels of bruising..we don't know if it's an actual tear, we don't know which part of the cord that controls which part of the body...and even if we did, it would be impossible for us to give you a prognosis.

I think you and your family members should talk to the doctors and ask them what this all means, what can be done as far as physical therapy and the outlook. The person who did the MRI shouldn't have told you anything (I don't know the rules where you are but in the U.S. any technician can get fired for this). The radiologist/physician has to write up a report and only then can the personal physician sit down with the patient and discuss the results and course of treatment. When will the report go to your Dad's doctor?

05-06-09, 18:08
Hi Mark, I am sorry to hear about your Dad. With something as complex like this, I feel that it would be irresponsible for anyone on here to give information. We're not doctors..there are different levels of bruising..we don't know if it's an actual tear, we don't know which part of the cord that controls which part of the body...and even if we did, it would be impossible for us to give you a prognosis.

I think you and your family members should talk to the doctors and ask them what this all means, what can be done as far as physical therapy and the outlook. The person who did the MRI shouldn't have told you anything (I don't know the rules where you are but in the U.S. any technician can get fired for this). The radiologist/physician has to write up a report and only then can the personal physician sit down with the patient and discuss the results and course of treatment. When will the report go to your Dad's doctor?

Thanks you for your honesty, my mum works in the same hospital where the MRI was done and asked the technican (they normally dont) cause he wont see the doc is not for another week or so