View Full Version : Re: Pulse in Head

04-06-09, 18:30

I wonder if anyone here can offer some advice.

I was exercising vigorously a few days ago (trampolining) and afterwards and ever since I have been having the following very unpleasant symptoms:

Strong Pulse (heartbeat) in head
Pulse elsewhere in body
Pressure in head
Fullness in ears
Twitching in ear canals
Rapid heartbeat
Tingling at back of scalp
DizzinessAs you can understand I am concerned that I've done something to my neck/brain as I still have the symptoms. My GP did check my blood pressure which was 130/80.

Can anyone help?


04-06-09, 18:33
i know its wierd that it happened after you jumped on the trampoline, but it probably isn't because of that. you could have a virus, or allergies or it could be anxiety. my pulse has always seemed to take over my whole body. at one point a few years ago i could hear it when my head was against my pillow and i can always feel it in different spots...without touching it.

04-06-09, 18:36
Thank you Nataliean - am I wrong to think I've ruptured something?

04-06-09, 18:43
yes, you would be in some serious pain. your symptoms are more of discomfort, and annoyance. i remember when i was in jr. high and highschool in gym class, whenever i was sick or about to get sick the pulse in my head would be really strong, and it would feel like i was on an airplane with all the pressure. .and anxiety can give you a pressure headache, i think that they are also called tension headaches. the best thing you can do is to NOT pay attention to them, because you will become hypersensitive and find a hundred more symptoms. keep your mind off of it and it will go away. and do not look anything up. if things get worse, just see your doc again.

04-06-09, 18:55
Thank you.

04-06-09, 19:16
Hi, I am experiencing this at the moment too. I went running the other day and had to stop because of the pulse in my head, it was as if it was banging in my ears. I can also hear it sometimes when i lay down with my ear to the pillow, it really freaks me out thinking i have a brain tumour or going to have an anuerysm or something. I am glad someone else is experiencing this too although i am sure you don't want to be lol!!!!

05-06-09, 19:03
Yes it is terrifying and thoughts always turn to aneurysm and sudden death.

Have you researched it? Is it something less serious than we think?

19-10-09, 13:12
I think scalp tension might exacerbate this.