View Full Version : hi im new to the site and need some advice

04-06-09, 19:33
Hi, I’ve been suffering from panic attacks now for about 18 months, although I have had bouts of them before, this is much worse and continuing for a longer period of time. I’ve been to the doctors and asked for therapy/counselling but I’m on a 6 month waiting list….6 months seems like an eternity for me to cope. I’ve just been put on Prozac so hopefully that will have some effect. I’ve been given loads of self help stuff and am reading about anxiety/panic and want to start trying not to run away from my panics. The self help stuff says to start with the smaller things I panic about not the major things. My biggest fear is eating in public in case I choke and make a fool of myself and I haven’t eaten out for over 12 months. But I get panicky when faced with claustrophobia but not in all cases. It’s strange sometimes a get panicky when I get into a car – sometimes I don’t. It’s actually difficult for me to pin point exactly what it is I’m afraid of. I think being with friends and making a show of myself is the key. For instance when I am going about my everyday tasks im fine. I manage my anxiety much better. When I’m with friends (which is very irrational I know) I worry about what will happen if I have to divert my attention away from controlling my panic and holding a conversation! The problem I’ve got is that my panics tend to happen in situations that I can’t just put myself in voluntarily or am unable to use distraction techniques. For instance, when I’m in a meeting at work I panic but am unable to practice relaxation or distract myself as I need to try and remain focused in order to make my contribution (I prob only have 4 meetings per year but I find I stress and am anxious for weeks before). This obviously just adds to my anxiety meaning the vicious circle. I don’t know how to go about overcoming my fears by slowly introducing myself to them, hope that makes sense! Any ideas or anyone who has suffered similar? I can’t afford private counselling and my fears are becoming much worse in that I fear I am going to end up an agoraphobic anorexic if I cannot find a way to cope! Again another fear I cant really introduce myself too! This is really affecting my life now as im not applying for a promotion in work that has got my name on it because I cant face the interview. I know it will take time and some professional help but there must be something I can do in the meantime as I really don’t feel Prozac is the answer.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and any advice you give me x

04-06-09, 20:12
1st if i was you i would tell your friend of your situation(you could point them to this website there are some great bits of info on the right), im sure they would understand and would probably be able to calm you and make comfortable if you did find your self loosing control. If you do find your self havin issues with anxiety while out, i normally take a music player as a form of detraction in then event of me having and anxiety issue x remenber your not alone with this x

04-06-09, 21:40
I'm going through the "choking" problem again after more than six months of feeling okay (there are some good threads on that topic on a sub forum here). It's awful, but it will pass...

I took out my copy of a Claire Weekes book last night and although she was writing quite a number of years ago, I find her ideas still so relevant. "Accepting " the symptoms seems to make so much sense although I haven't managed it yet!

Just a thought...re that interview. If you do manage to go for the job, it might ease your fears a little if you imagine that your interviewer might be going through some form of anxiety too. There are a lot of us around and it just might be true. But, if you don't go for it, please don't be hard on yourself.


05-06-09, 00:34
Hey ms rainbow.
I have trouble with public transport. And places I know I can't jus get out if I wanted too.. Like college. Work. This is why I still don't have a job and I really need a money. I tend to have something that will take my mind off panic attacks.. such as taking a book on the bus.. or looking through my pictures on my phone. Only small things. But they help :)

05-06-09, 08:18
thanks so much for all your responses and kind words. it is reassuring to know im not going mad and other people are experencing similar things......it makes me realise im not crazy after all!

05-06-09, 14:20
Hi...I wish you well...:hugs:

I too suffer from the dreaded panic attacks and you're definitely not crazy.I think you should go back to your GP maybe just as an option, prozac isn't always the answer and in fact a change of medication may help you. btw...You don't have such things as going to a "workshop" perhaps in self esteem that might help build up your confidence..just a thought. I know you may have to pay but at the same time it may help if you have to wait for counselling.
Hope you feel ok .xxx

05-06-09, 16:39
try the claire weekes downloads free from nmp shop? May help? X

05-06-09, 16:55

It is frustrating i know i have panics and anxiety all the time for the last few months, but i have been here a few years ago and know that it will get better eventually, i got better last time with cbt group conselling through my doctors but like you i am on a waiting list for this but have you tried ringing "no panic" in telford they do telephone counselling from your home and the waiting list i think is around 6 weeks. I am on a waiting list there also but i used them several years ago too and they were really good

do not despair but i can tell you that if your friends are good ones they may be able to help you and you may feel better just for telling them

take care

14-06-09, 17:23

It is frustrating i know i have panics and anxiety all the time for the last few months, but i have been here a few years ago and know that it will get better eventually, i got better last time with cbt group conselling through my doctors but like you i am on a waiting list for this but have you tried ringing "no panic" in telford they do telephone counselling from your home and the waiting list i think is around 6 weeks. I am on a waiting list there also but i used them several years ago too and they were really good

do not despair but i can tell you that if your friends are good ones they may be able to help you and you may feel better just for telling them

take care
hi kaza. how r u. do u suffer from panic attacks aswell and where in uk do u live im from telford would like to chat some more if u can c if we get same symptoms. and goin through same thng. thnx