View Full Version : is this deprealisation? please help.

04-06-09, 20:15
I've gone un well the last few days. Totally drained tired giddy etc. And I've been feeling strange, everything sometimes is strange me, people the way we are just don't seem real.
I've been on the setee for 2 days so weak so no distractions cause 2 weak.
My positive attitude has gone down the drain and all my thoughts are negative nothing to look forward to. Went to see the nurse today she sais it could be the side effects off the tablets but I've been on them 3 months and no issues I am really giddy and feel like I could drop any minute. Bp is fine so going to see dr tomorrow see wat he says.
Why has my anxiety taken over once again, why am I getting so worked up about things that happen naturally.
I've been drinking loads of water and I've had food. I've been watching my diet but I don't know where I've gone wrong why is it back? And I am scared of it to so I'm running from it I hawvent got the energy to deal with these bad thoughts. What's do I do?

04-06-09, 20:46
sounds like anxiety to me , i have been suffering from a bit of de-realisation but had been getting better with more things i have been doing which i now relise this is another thing to be positive about.. A key thing for me is distraction such as watchin a dvd or tv and puzzle books even though it can be really hard to get into them ........ i also purchased a relaxtion cd of ebay which helps relax me abit to the point i almost fall a sleep:) we are are here if you need to chat:hugs:

04-06-09, 22:05
Thanks for advice. I'm finding it hard to look in the mirror to see my reflexion even I don't know if it anxiety deprealization or I'm losing it.
I feel like I need to shake myself and do something to get over it. But to tired and to weak. I give up

05-06-09, 01:17
Hi ya, I've had the giddiness/weakness thing a couple of times and it really freaked me out but just disappeared gradually. I've never been 100% sure what it was, but my guess would be that I was feeling mildly under the weather at the time and then because I'm anxious about my health that made me obsess about it, which in turn made me feel really faint which is a fairyl common symptom of anxiety for me.
When I get depersonalisation (which I've been getting since I was a kid, even before health anxiety became an issue) I feel like nothing's real and I'm separated from myself and everything around me. I can function and talk to people as normal but it feels like a dream.
Hope you feel better soon, I'm sure you will! Sending you good vibes :)

05-06-09, 05:04
The feelings of unreality where familiar faces seem alien or wrong is derealization. When you look in the mirror and feel like you dont recognize your face, thats depersonalization. In my opinion of course. Like the previous poster, Ive had bouts of it since I was a young kid. Its really intense during a panic attack and Ive had it without a panic attack. It sucks. Plain and simple. However, Its Normal. Youre Not going crazy, it wont always be like this. Its anxiety. Im going through a severe bout of it at the moment. Since the first of April. Its like this everyday. Its a natural response to high anxiety. Your mind is kind of filtering out reality for you. Can you think back over the past few months/years about your stress? Maybe like me you were reaching your stress/anxiety level and didnt even know it. Get a handle on your anxiety. Exercise, meditate, get some talk therapy if you can. The feelings youre describe sound dead on to what im going through and have been through. For me, it was some medication and therapy and time. Right now im having a hard time accepting that it may be a little while until im back to "normal". Ive had previous bouts that only lasted a day or two. I just didnt listen to my body telling me that im reaching my stress and anxiety level.
I hope this helps you and everything ive said is just My opinion.

05-06-09, 21:19
yes yes yes that is exactly how i feel, why the hell didnt i realise i was getting stressed out again. ive had bouts of it before and it came and went. its so dam horribe i read that deprealization is either when your anxiety is at its highest or when your body trys to protect you from having anxiety and then deprel appears.
when the hell is this going to end?????
i am under the weather at the moment got the flu so i guess i am prone to this as i have no energy to exercise or distract or get on with things....
i start counciling Monday anyone found this helps? they ent going to sign me in if i tell them how i feel are they??