View Full Version : Tachycardia after eating information

04-06-09, 21:18

I hope Nic doesn't mind me putting a web address on here. I thought that people who constantly suffer with fast heart rate might find the information helpful.

A couple of months or so ago, I was sitting playing a game on here when my heart started racing, I wasn't anxious at the time but it made me panic which caused faster heart rate & I was petrified.

I realised that I had just eaten & thought back to where I'd had it before after eating a meal. I scoured the internet & found this: http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Heart-Disease/Tachycardia-after-eating-a-heavy-meal/show/253644
It really helped me to realise that sometimes my tachycardia is actually NOT anxiety but yet NOT harmful either.

I hope it helps somebody like it did me.


05-06-09, 01:40
just goes to show that googling doesn't always bring doom and gloom. Hooorah for the sensible answers. Well done Elspeth on finding some rationality on t'internet. :-) x

06-06-09, 02:23
Thanks for replying shiv. I have been looking for answers as to why I am having heart palps on & off all day as I only used to get them when I had a panic attack.

I have now found someone that said they woke during the night with racing heart & her hubby called the doctor who told her to 'bear down' like when trying to have a bowel movement & apparently her heart rate went down immediately. I think I will try it next time, seems a bit weird but whatever works!!

15-09-12, 23:52
I know this is a super old thread but thought it might be useful to some users on here. I know that the 'bear down' advice is, from what a doctor told me, to reset the vegus nerve.