View Full Version : now i know why i did it

04-06-09, 22:25
today and self harmed and had to go to a&e for sutures:weep:(felt soo ashamed and failed as i nearly made it to monday it would of been 4weeks free from it) i was soo depressed this morning and never thought anything about it, but now home and stomcah cramps and just come on, so its my pmt again, im scared now as last 2 times while on is when i took OD's, gp has given me the pill to try and help this but got to start on day 2 i think, but im petrified of taking them too, as i have anorexia and scared of risking putting on weight :blush: :weep:
i do see gp tomorrow

04-06-09, 22:33
You are not alone there are hundreds of people on here that share similar experiences. I hope you feel better soon. I take the pill to help with my cramps and have never in the 9 years of taking them put on any weight. You will just have to be strong... 'hugs' :)

08-06-09, 01:52
I take the pill for the same reason and haven't put on a pound. and it definitely helps with cramps, and for me the mood swings as well. hope this website helps you see that you are not alone, good luck with your recovery, thoughts are with you x