View Full Version : trying to move on

chris q
05-06-09, 00:03
hello to you all.
my name is chris i use to come on here a lot as i was going thou a really hard time im sure you all know what i mean. i was so worred about geting canser it was on my mind 24/7 . and then my grandad was told he has lung canser and he died just a few weeks later and when i saw him he was still in high spirts. and i ask him if he is worred and he said NO. he had. had a good life .so i gave my self a really good talking to here is a man who is diying and im worrying all the time i got better. now my anty diying of it as well and she seems in high spirts as well i know it kills so many good peps every year but the more we think about it we are just worrying our life away.when im on my death bed and say the same as my dear old gandad I HAVE HAD A GOOD LIFE . i do still have the odd moment where i worry but there are geting few and far betwen

so to you all try not to worry your life,s away
p.s hope this helps

05-06-09, 00:38
Chris, what an excellent post and so true. The books call it "the worried well". I have known people with health anxiety who had nothing wrong in reality and then when they got hit with something real, they could have shot themselves for not having enjoyed their life when they were really healthy. And now there was no going back to those times.

Your point is very well taken. We that are ok should thank God we don't have cancer or MS or anything else and LIVE every day and stop worrying. Myself included. It's just such a waste of time and life. Thanks for the inspiring post!

chris q
05-06-09, 14:55
no prob i think we all need to take a step back and say look im fine .and do our best to enjoy every day i know how hard it is for you all i have been there . and some times i am still there but there are good peps who are really ill and its a slap in there face .when we spend our life worrying so join me all and take a long hard look in the mirror and say i am not diying then go out of the house and have a good time :yesyes: :yesyes:

05-06-09, 17:21
Chris you are so right, thank you for posting.


chris q
05-06-09, 21:19
no prob happy to help