View Full Version : Do your anxiety symptoms change from time to time?

05-06-09, 02:22
Hi all

I just wondered if your symptoms change, like you get all the same but sometimes it's this.........and sometimes it that.....

I have breathing difficulties sometimes, sometimes it's my heart racing, sometimes both:weep: sometimes pains in chest, sometimes tight feeling right across the chest underneath me bust! Like if it ain't one thing it's another?

So exhausted:weep: :weep:


05-06-09, 05:38
Yes, I've had so many different anxiety symptoms. Each new one caused panic as I imagined what could be wrong with me now......
There was a time when I seemed to have something wrong with me every day but as I've learned more about this condition I've been able to gain some control and alot of the symptoms have disappeared.

05-06-09, 11:58
its the aggitated angst feeling i cant cope with got it now its doing my head in:mad: cant seem to relax

magpie girl
07-06-09, 21:32
if its not one thing its another and all of them on a bad day!!!!!! some days its like ive run a bloody marathon

07-06-09, 21:36
Once you have identified and adapted to a certain symptom of anxiety, it is possible that the anxiety can disguise itself and attack from another angle.

If a symptom can best be described as "weird" it is almost certainly anxiety -- bear this in mind at all times. That is the one trait common to nearly every symptom caused by anxiety, and it is the chink in anxiety's armour.

07-06-09, 21:47
I get pretty much the same symptoms all the time to do with anxiety. Its the physical symptoms that change, which then causes the anxiety.

Hope that makes sense LOL

08-06-09, 20:54
sometimes they change but they are mainly the same thing!

11-06-09, 17:02
Over the past few months my symptoms have gone from palpitations, to dizziness/lightheadedness and now it's breathlessness!!!! Not good! I agree with PsychoPoet about your body adapting to the symptom and so it comes at you with a whole new one! I suppose it makes sense really, you get used to a symptom and almost ignore it but the anxiety is still there so has to find a new avenue to show itself! The joys of anxiety...not :-(

11-06-09, 23:51
Hi Ev1

Thanks for replies.

I seem to swing from one symptom to another even in one day! Like today I've had the breathlessness, now I'm sitting here watching a video on youtube & BHAM I'm now having palpitations!!

What do you do when there doesn't seem to be much of the waking day when you're not feeling anxious? It's really taking it's toll on me:weep: :weep:

14-06-09, 15:14
my symptoms change and change about - just as i think i have got rid of one symptom another will arrive eg.
My vision is blurred or tummy churns or it is hard to breathe or I feel so scared (of what???) or feel very giddy or nausious.
I get so tired of worrying that i get more anxious - sometimes I knit and if i can get engrossed in the pattern - i can be OK for a while.
BUT watching films - the music, the speed of the picture the loudness the tension - thats it turn it off:ohmy:

16-06-09, 14:06
I feel the anxiety seems to know which symptom will upset me most in any given situation i am in at the time, and if one symptom doesnt stop me it will try another until i feel ghastly :doh:

02-08-09, 09:19
During each of my minor, average or big episode i have a Hit symptom.

It can be breathlessness, diarhea, nausea, confusion, irritation, lightheadness, no appetite, withdrawal/depersonalisation.

Today i think i have a minor anxiety thing going on, and breathlessness is on the top.

Weird, but if i manage to keep repeating to myself that it is just anxiety and my breathing will not stop, it fades away with time.

Tangerine Man
06-09-09, 06:19
Yes, it is part of the rollercoaster we are all on. As soon as you learn to manage one or other sensations / situations then you mind / body develops a new twist turn massive drop for you to over come. It is not nice but at least via this web site we can appreciate that you are not alone on the ride.

06-09-09, 11:00
Yes all the time, some days I get chest tightness others I get chest pain others I get air hunger.

It's very disconcerting not to mention annoing, just when you think you've conquered one symptom another rears it's ugly mush!

06-09-09, 11:38
yes mine change all the time,,,as i learn to cope with one it sends me another to deal with ,,but as poet says if it cant get through one way it will try to find another,,trick is to keep the beggar out,,and by us all chatting and sharing we are helping to do just that

21-08-12, 16:18
Finally, I was wondering the same thing today and I guess I'm not the only one. Originally my focus would be on my lightheadness and rubbery legs, but now after a good anxiety attack last Friday (after a night of no sleep and moderate drinking), it's shifted over to gastric distress and funny feelings in my chest. Also either my left or right arm would get sore too.

I know it's not a major health crisis (had physical last April and as the silly hypochondriac I'm going to the doctor for the heck of it today :roflmao:), just once again a pesky annoyance brought by my anxiety/panic.

26-08-12, 21:43
This post has really helped, I get a variety of symptoms, they all seem to generally make me worry about heart/chest or head problems.

I think it is spot on that you come to realise that a physical symptom is anxiety related so a new one crops up.


22-02-15, 14:47
Yes I'm in that dark place where you think this new symptom is probably the anxiety again....but what if it's not!! AAAAAArggH!
I usually have tense chest, back, shoulder muscles a lot of the time but recently the shortness of breath seems more to the fore and my muscles around my sternum and chest are sore even to touch.
I'm feeling weary.....

22-02-15, 18:57
They sure do. It's almost like they're as concious as I am.

22-02-15, 20:53
They change constantly.

When I learn to accept one symptom a new one show up. I think I have to get them all before it get's better ....bring em' on.

23-02-15, 02:06
It's funny when I'm woorying about something then I have another pain, I start worrying about that and forget about my first pain.

18-07-15, 22:01
Mine change a lot. One week I might be worrying about my heart, the next it's my head. Right now it's my eyes. I guess the fact that I feel different symptoms at different times should be enough to convince me that it is caused by anxiety and nothing else but it's not! I suppose if I had a life threatening illness I would be getting the same symptoms all the time?

19-07-15, 07:33
Yes i've conquered the physical symptoms so now it send the mental ones for me to deal with: racing and strange thoughts, feeling overwhelmed etc.

19-07-15, 07:44
How did you manage to conquer the physical symptoms?

19-07-15, 09:35
To answer the question in the thread I would say they are different, and more or less intent every few hours of the time I am awake. Distraction can help, good sleep can help, and exercise however moderate can help.

20-07-15, 21:53
if its not one thing its another and all of them on a bad day!!!!!! some days its like ive run a bloody marathon

Totally agree with that :yesyes:

20-07-15, 22:49
During the past 4 weeks I've had... Testicle Pain, tense leg muscles, urge to urinate, tense face/jaw, irritability, muscle flutters... accompanying this plethora of symptoms is a lovely dose of hayfever and it's bag of tricks.:flowers: