View Full Version : New symptom

05-06-09, 06:28
Hi, I haven't been on here for a few weeks because I was actually feeling better, but recently I developed a new symptom. At night when I try to fall asleep I get inner vibrations, it is barely perceptible and it almost seems like my heartrate is really fast, but when I take my pulse it is actually slow. Also, it is as if I've been getting the same intense fear, desperation and anxiety, but my heartrate remains the same, I really don't understand and it is really scaring me. Does anybody have any advice?

05-06-09, 10:41
if you check my other posts, I have been suffering exactly the same for about 2 months now. Night and day. It feels like every muscle and organ in your body is trembling but its not visible from the outside. I went to the doc about 5 times regarding mine and was told repeatedly it was anxiety. I wasnt feeling anxious though. In about the last three days it has died down and become intermittent. I have no answer for the cause. I have been ill on and off since november so maybe it is my body healing. I have also been experiencing a lot of acid reflux due to my finances having an impact on my normally healthy diet and I have read from patients accounts GERD causes a similar sensation in some people, so maybe its tied in somehow. I have checked so many times by asking nhs and doctors now, that i can assure you, it does not indicate anything to do with your heart or lungs so do not decide to panic thinking that like i did. It is more likely to do with your central nervous system. I found my only way t get rid of it was to embrace it, knowing it wouldnt harm me... I would go to bed and be like, bring it on.... the less i focussed in it being a potential threat, the more it seemed to disappear. I suffer frm health anxiety, and i sometimes wonder if the internal vibration might actually be there al the time, yet its only when im anxious i fine tune my brain to notice it? But it does seem to me at times to be so noticeable that it almost feels the bed is shaking... so i do not have an answer. Have you suffered any ilnesses in the last 6 months... maybe if we have both had the same illness then it might just be a sign of recovery from it. In the last six months I have had iron deficiency, bladder infection, sinus infection, chest infection, conjunctivitis,tonsillitis and pretty bad hayfever.... along with a massive dose of anxiety back in december.... and low level anxiety since.