View Full Version : Yellow Discharge jsut dont know what to do!

05-06-09, 12:24
OK as you can proberly tell i am having a really bad day today ( my other post on MS) I think its cos i am going away tommorow and the though of not having this site is making me worry. For as long as i can remember i have had yellow vaginal discharge through out the whole pregnnacy & now it is ALWAYS yellow not bright but def yellow. Some days there isnt any somedays like today theres lots only when i wipe. I am sat her crying convinced its cervical cancer, i will be paying for a smear when i return from holiday. I have spent my morning googling desperate to find one forum that says they have normal yellow discharge and all i can find is site after site saying how it should be clear and never yellow. I am distraught, I have had a full sti check when pregnant & a swab to rule out infection and all was clear so in my head it can only be the big C. :weep: It just always is yellow No smell no symptoms :weep:

05-06-09, 12:58
OK as you can probably tell i am having a really bad day today ( my other post on MS) I think its cos i am going away tomorrow and the though of not having this site is making me worry. For as long as i can remember i have had yellow vaginal discharge through out the whole pregnancy & now it is ALWAYS yellow not bright but def yellow. Some days there isn't any somedays like today theres lots only when i wipe. I am sat her crying convinced its cervical cancer, i will be paying for a smear when i return from holiday. I have spent my morning googling desperate to find one forum that says they have normal yellow discharge and all i can find is site after site saying how it should be clear and never yellow. I am distraught, I have had a full sti check when pregnant & a swab to rule out infection and all was clear so in my head it can only be the big C. :weep: It just always is yellow No smell no symptoms :weep:

Well I have just looked up about it and it doesn't mention cervical cancer at all.

05-06-09, 14:07
theres a website called embarrasingproblems.com, i just had a look on there and it says that dischargge turns yellow or brownish when it comes in contact with the air around us! xxx

05-06-09, 15:25
theres a website called embarrasingproblems.com, i just had a look on there and it says that dischargge turns yellow or brownish when it comes in contact with the air around us! xxx

does that mean when it dries though? as when i wipe its yellow sorry tmi no one else seems to have this problem so how can it be normal :weep:

05-06-09, 15:35
does that mean when it dries though? as when i wipe its yellow sorry tmi no one else seems to have this problem so how can it be normal :weep:

But how do you know that they don't?

05-06-09, 16:08
yeast infection? contact ur dr or pharmacist x

magpie girl
05-06-09, 16:15
it sounds like you may have thrush. Not everyone gets all the symptoms ie itching ect,they just get discharge.You can get cream at the chemist,and try to avoid perfumed bath and shower gels

05-06-09, 16:37
o i have had it for years as long as i can remember and got thrush during the pregnancy so its not that but thanks

05-06-09, 17:31
Trixie all on the internet it says yellow is bad and not normal :( im still really upset.

05-06-09, 17:43
I know it sounds a wierd question but what coloured toilet paper do you use?? If you are using white, then when you wipe discharge can often look yellow against the bright white of the toilet paper - in fact any colour toilet paper can effect what the colour of your discharge appears as when you wipe. And like the other lady has says, when discharges dries or touches air it immediately changes colour. Mine always looks yellowish and I know it is completely normal - and believe me if it was something to worry about I would be the first one to worry!!

05-06-09, 17:59
Well i have to say i wear panty liners daily and there is normally some sort of discharge on it ranging from a small amount to alot, also the colour changes from cream to more a yellow cream not bright yellow or anything, for me i know this is normal and i know that being on the pill can alter your discharge. I would worry about this to much.

05-06-09, 18:00
Meant to say i wouldn't worry about this to much.

05-06-09, 18:01
Trixie all on the internet it says yellow is bad and not normal :( im still really upset.

But it doesn't say that it is due to cancer (your biggest fear).:)

05-06-09, 18:08
thanks all, i guess i have just scared myself stupid. With the cervical cancer thing. I read yellow is a sign on HPV which can lead to cervical cancer and the fact that i havent had a smear yet just fuels it as im 21. But i will be having one. I think today has just been the day from hell & after 4 hours of googling how yellow is always bad, i need some reassurance from 'real people' that they have sightly yelllow. IJJ THANK YOU!! i use a magical array of coloured loo roll :) but on the lighter ones its always yellow, i dont actualy see that much in my undies its only when i wipe. God im an idiot but i am convinced i have cancer as i know it cant be anything else due to my normal swabs & sti checks. I wonder if its normal for me ? x

05-06-09, 20:27
I would say it is definately normal for you! I know it is normal for me and most other ladies! As someone who is always checking my discharge :blush: I have also noticed that it looks different depending on the bathroom light as well - I have a flouresant (excuse my spelling!) light in my downstairs toilet and a normal light bulb in the bathroom upstairs and the same discharge looks a completely different colour under each light, and different again under natural light - and yes I am embarrassed to say that on frequent occasions I have checked various discharge under different lights to calm myself down! Sorry if this is TMI :scared15: but I want you to know that you are not alone in worrying about this but also to let you know that your discharge is completely normal and nothing to worry about!!

05-06-09, 20:37
Werent you worried about this before? And you are on the pill? Sorry if that was someone else. I think I said then that I have been getting that too since the pill. I have read in more than one place that cervical discharge can be white or pale yellow, and discharge increases with the pill. I looked it up when I was freaking out too. I wish I could remember where so I could show you. No smell is a good thing. One other thing could be bacterial vaginosis which is a bit different than thrush but they do have to test for it and prescribe meds.
I really think you are ok. Cervical cancer takes 10-20 years to develop and there is no way someone wouldnt have noticed abnormal cells at this point and have gotten rid of them by now with all the care youve already recieved. I am seriously getting p****d about how Jade Goody has caused us all to go crazy over cervical cancer when it is so rare because of the pap process. her whole experience was EXTREMELY EXTREMELY rare and she didnt go to the doctor and get her cancerous cells removed when she could have and saved her own life. I say this after having my own biopsy and being fine, and my mother having cervical cancer, a simple procedure removed the cancer and she has not had an abnormal pap for 25 years!
Sorry to go on a tirade, I am just feeling so sad for my poor NMP friends who fear cervical cancer when they shouldnt. It really seems to be a big fear lately, I cant say Im free of it.
I really know you are ok tash, but you are doing the smart thing and going to the doctor,and I know you will get the reassurance you need. Hang in there!

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05-06-09, 20:50
HI Lindzanne, yes it was me :blush: its a constant worry and i have been on the pill for 5 years and it is def poss it started aorund then. AND.... had jade goody not died from it i wouldnt be like this you are correct on that one, it has scared everyone & those with HA has made them convinced they have it. I really appriciate your response and helping me Again :) thank you, its good to know someone else has it too. x

05-06-09, 20:52
IJJ thank you !! its good to know theres other 'checkers' out there :) right off to pack for holiday now :) xx

05-06-09, 23:09
Have a fantastic holiday! And remember, you are completely normal!!!

05-06-09, 23:36
I second IJJ--you are definitely fine. Now go enjoy your holiday!!!! :hugs:

miss diagnosis
06-06-09, 15:43
i had this for a long time and totally convinced self it was cervical cancer.(it wasnt!)discharge can change color according to your cycle.I got swabs and a smear and all came back clear.two of my closet friends were experiencing the same thing at the same time too.I also had a lot of irritation but i switched toilet paper (was using aloe vera scented paper from lidl)and it all went away. strange but true.

Please try not to worry about this. its perfectly normal:-)

06-06-09, 16:54
i have a yellow tinge to my discharge it is not all the time it could be just hormones because i have had a smear test done very recently and it came back fine . i am also pregnant and i seem to have more of the stuff then before so like i said i think its normall pregnancy thing

07-06-09, 08:31
Thanks ladies for having gutts to talk about this!!!!
I always had and still have coloured discharge.

My tests always are normal.
Then one doc told me - that discharge is good - because our body cleans itself from inside out.
Its perfectrly normal and everybody has different coloures.

So i am not so worried anymore.

07-06-09, 11:15
Don't worry about it hun. I have just paid for a smear test because I was sure I had Cervical cancer due to post coital bleeding. It was normal. Aside from that I have often had yellow discharge, sometimes blood stained sometimes clear and elastic. Just depends on my hormones at the time! I know lots of women who have had it too, so don't worry. I could be a little thrush though so if you are itchy at all get some canesten from chemist just in case. I am sure its just hormones instability from pregnancy. Please try not to worry, discharge can be all sorts of colours at different times!

07-06-09, 16:45
I also worry about discharge sometimes, well quite a lot really. Smear test came back normal, and I've really always had some sort of discharge and was always fine. Also, it gets worse around the time I'm ovulating.

Also, are you taking in enough fluids? The last time I was stressing over yellow discharge my Mum told me to drink more water and it made a difference.
