View Full Version : watching movies

05-06-09, 16:14
as i am watching movies, suddenly i felt dizzy, gizy and my heart beat so so fast, what is that, i am so scared, i bnever had this all my life. till now i felt light headed and begining head pain. wats this?> help, am i so weak

05-06-09, 16:33
either an anxiety or a panic attack just try to calm down it will pass the key is distraction and relaxation. Was it a boring film as when im suffering from anxiety it has to be a good film to keep me distracted

05-06-09, 21:03
Hello Alba, Sunnydyd is right, you experienced anxiety or a panic attack. It probably wasn't anything to do with watching the movies, it happened because you are experiencing problems with anxiety.

The light-headedness, dizziness, headache and feelings of weakness are caused by hyperventilation (changes to your breathing) caused by your anxiety. None of these are harmful in any way. They are a natural response to anxiety. They should start to wear off as your anxiety fades.

06-06-09, 04:12
thanks it scared the crazy of me, i am so so scared, never happen before, i am watching very exciting and scary, movies, ithought something is wrong with my heart, i thought ppl with heart problem will be like this, having weak heart, but how come it happen to me, iam 38yrs old, i felt suddden light headed, giddy, dizzy, and my heart start to beat very fast and i am sweating in aircond room i really thought something is wrong with me, all this has been making me so stress, i never seem to get bette since last March09 and yes in Jan, feb i am having alot alot lots of stress esp being bullied at work and alot of problems surfacing on and off. but i never get better, it's all getting worse. after that sweating, dizzy, i walk away like crying and told my families to switch it off they say i am crazy, then iwalk away and sing song at my lousdest tone and talk to everybody shouting and in loud voice then i just go and lie and sleep, i can't think anymore, i hate all these feelings, it make me so so insecure that now as i want to go out i am scared i feel dizzy again, what hsould ido? i am sos cared fainting outside or lost balance or have attack again. am i mad.