View Full Version : Hello to anyone who is reading this

05-06-09, 16:18
my name is karen, and i have anxiety and panic attacks, this is around the 3rd period in my life that i have been experiencing panic attacks and anxiety. i have mainly overcome them before but here i am again and the old logics do not seem to sink in.

I wake up worrying what i am going to panic about today (mad eh) but my main problem is i never seem to breathe properly and so i am always hypervenilating. I know it is just through anxiety but the negative voice always pops up and says "on no you cant breathe again you are going to pass out) i never have mind you and when i am talking to people i think oh no i wish they would finish before they see i am panicking!!

I hope this site will help me get back on track again as i want the old me back :yahoo:

05-06-09, 16:30
hi, this is my 3rd bout of it as well, im lucky i dont have the hyperventaling thing mine seems to be anxiety with occassional panic attack but i manage to get them under controll farely soon. we will get there do worry as u probably know from your past experiance lol can never remenber how i got myself out of it every time lol

05-06-09, 17:11

Welcome to the site I think you will find some good advice and support on here.

Take care


06-06-09, 12:19
Hello Karen , Welcome to NMP , lots of advice and understanding here , glad you found the site , take care :welcome: d x :flowers:

06-06-09, 13:59
hi karen just to let you know you are not alone ... anxiety is such a nightmare my GP suggested an anxiety management course this was really helpfull they teach you how to breath and positive thinking I also use relaxation CDs one called waves is good good luckxxxx