View Full Version : I.B.S embarrased to ask my Doctor..

Desprate Dan
05-06-09, 16:45
I know this sounds really silly but have recently been diagnosed with anxiety and depression and I.B.S. I have suffered with my stomach for years and was frieghtened to see my GP incase it was serious, so i kept it to myself but after recently going through a bad time with a couple of traumatic experiences, i felt very very ill, my stomach was constanly churning, i lost my appetite, i couldn't think straight, i felt sick i was trembling and needing to goto the toilet all the time to pass water, i really thought this was the end of the line for me because i hadn't been to see the doctor about my stomach problems i was convinced it had eventually caught up with me and i was going to die..
So i made an appointment to see the doctor and explained everything he said my stomach complaint was I.B.S and the other symptoms were down to anxiety and depression, i had no idea anxiety and depression could make you feel so ill, i really thought i was about to die, he prescribed citalopram which i have now been on for a couple of months and i am just starting to feel better it seemed to take forever to work..

The problem i have is i am a very nervous person and i need to go back and see the doctor but i am worried about a couple of things, just wondered if anyone on here has been in the same situation and could offer me some advice..

I feel as if i am a burden and i dont like to bother the doctor because i know there is lots more people he needs to see, but i have a couple of concerns but feel guilty because it might be me just overeacting...:wacko:

1)The first thing is to do with my I.B.S, I have read that the symptoms can vary dramatically from person to person, but talking about stool form is something i feel very embarrsed about. like i say i have suffered with a gurgling rumbling tummy for as long as i can remember and also a problem with my stools they change in form constantly, mostly soft raggy, sometimes diariohea, or loose, very rarely what i would call a normal stool, i often go a couple of times first thing in the morning normally soon as i wake up then then maybe half hour to an hour after, but my stool form can change in this short time and even during the same sitting does anyone else with I.B.S suffer this?? this is always the case i never get settled spells it has been like this everyday for as long as i can remember i am 31 now so i think 15 years at least, i always check and i have never seen any sign of blood.. I hope some one can help reasure me..:blush: its easier for me to ask on the forum than talk face to face about this subject..

2) My citrolapram run out soon but my doctor didn't tell me to come back and see him he didn't give me a repeat perscription either..(What do i do???) like i said i am a very nervouse person and i dont like to bother or be a burden to the doctor, but i feel i have just started to feel the benefits of these tablets so if i stopped i would hate to go all the way back to how i was feeling before..:ohmy:

Please help:blush:


05-06-09, 17:06
if i was you i'd phone your surgery explain to them that you have seen the docter but have for got to re-order your prescription you can just stop a tablet like that, so they will either suggest you go into the surgery with an appointment or print you one off and wait for the dr to sign it. I have ibs but with constipation and with a specialist (who got me into the anxiety state) lol but due to anxiety mine is much looser its better with a specialist as they deal with potty talk all the time lol excuse the pun

05-06-09, 21:00
Please dont ever worry about seeing your doctor
Ive been loads since last Aug and its always uncomfortable for a start as you feel like they are saying not her again but I always feel better for the reassurance they give.
I would say that your doc probably didnt do a repeat because they want to see how your getting on so go and have a catch up with him.

Also I have been told I might have IBS and have almost identical symptoms to you. I think everyone is different but I'm told that your stomach is your most sensitive area and struggles most with anxiety.

Chin up

Choco x

05-06-09, 23:00
I really don't know about IBS but if you're talking about embarassment I have had my testicles examined when I feared I had testicular cancer. If I can do that, you can do anything!!!

Never be afraid to see a doctor, if nothing else they earn ££££££££ more than we do (and I am very well paid) and they are paid all this to see us - even if we are not exactly ill. Google an average NHS GP's salary if you don't believe me (but don't google any symptoms!!!)