View Full Version : Vision / spots

05-06-09, 19:50
Does anyone get these? I have had them for about 2 - 3 years. I see lots of little ones when looking at a sky or I will see a just different ones randomly, darker ones, lighter ones, all that go away when I try to look at it. I also see BRIGHT blue ones that do the same. I have had my eyes examined ect and my vision is fine otherwise. What causes these? I noticed them more when I am stressed or tired. Also, when waking in the am, not daily but most days, I get blue polka dots through my vision that goes away about 4 seconds after opening my eyes....

05-06-09, 21:05
Hello Irforge, if you've been experiencing them for years they are nothing to worry about. I get all sorts of visual disturbances. I suffer "lazy eye" which gives me permanent, severe double vision (even though my eye does not wander and they look normal) along with all sorts of visual disturbances. I also suffer with headaches and migraines which often inflict visual disturbances.

I honestly wouldn't worry mate, you sound normal to me! :D

22-08-10, 19:11

I wish I'd read this post before i posted mine recent post... I had a lazy eye when younger... Suddenly i had an aura migrane with no headache... Since then nearlky 2 months later..I've had severe double vision!!!

I wake up every morning hoping it's gone away but It hasnt.... It's completely changed my personality...I'm scared now and have been so anxious its brought on about a million other symptoms...

:-( Natalie xxxxxxx

22-08-10, 19:25
The spots before your eyes are nothing to worry about, especially if they move around. I think sometimes they are called floaters. If you are tired and stressed you seem to notice them more.

22-08-10, 23:59
Does anyone get these? I have had them for about 2 - 3 years. I see lots of little ones when looking at a sky or I will see a just different ones randomly, darker ones, lighter ones, all that go away when I try to look at it. I also see BRIGHT blue ones that do the same. I have had my eyes examined ect and my vision is fine otherwise. What causes these? I noticed them more when I am stressed or tired. Also, when waking in the am, not daily but most days, I get blue polka dots through my vision that goes away about 4 seconds after opening my eyes....

Hiya, ive had this for the last few years. Eye drs say its normal. :) x

23-08-10, 00:48
Floaters are due to nerve-ending stimulation due to adrenalin. So to put it less scientifically, its classic ANXIETY!! yet again lol x