View Full Version : hit my head, afraid of "silent" hemmorriging..

05-06-09, 21:47
I hit my head into a sharp table corner while playing with the dog a couple hours ago. To somebody else, it was just "an ouch! darn cupboard, Ill take an advil and be more carefull next time" but to me its "Oh no. now I feel nausea. And headache. What if I have internal bleeding. Yes, I feel dizzy. And the headache gets worse. What if i start vomiting or suddenly the headache starts real bad. Think about Natasha Richardson. Im going to die". And now am in a situation where my head occasionally hurts a bit (not all the time), I get small waves of nuisea and some dizziness but nothing major and STILL I am certain that it will all start getting worse soon. The terrible butterflies are in my stomach too. That is usually a sign of anxiety..and not head trauma.. (and of course am thinkin that when Im dead everybody will say that if she just wouldve gone to the ER..:) and now i would like to go to bed and relax but no, as if thats possible.
I hate this. Healt anxiety sufferers unite.

05-06-09, 22:33
you'll be fine...........honest. You know the warning signs, you havent' fallen from a great height. Just give it a rub and sleep tight xxxx

05-06-09, 22:55
Thank you Anxious, I relaxed a bit. But trying to sleep would be impossible :)
Somehow even though I didnt hit so hard, I "decided" to think that I hit my head RIGHT in the "wrong" spot, and in such a angle that it will cause internal bleeding. Nuts. As if it would be like the Klingon "death grip", as in if you are pressed just in the right spot, you would die :)

06-06-09, 02:48
I just read this and had to post. I have only been looking at these forums for a month or so and haven't posted yet and thought this was a good place to start.

In April I too hit my head and it was really not that bad but I worked it up into such a big problem I ended up at the doctors and wasting money on tests.

I had just had a few panic attacks the week prior, and I rarely ever get them (OCD every day but I typically have a high tolerance for panic/anxiety). I was also just starting to have symptoms from a persistent neck issue that causes numbness in my left arm and hand. All of this combined into the perfect storm and I thought I was going down. I waited about 3 days (checking to make sure my pupils were the same size every time I passed a mirror) after hitting my head too before I went for tests. Obviously everything was fine, but it has been a tough time since then. While I am generally feeling better I have had a few more panic and anxiety attacks (one actually earlier this evening).

I hope you get your mind past this quickly as I'm sure there is nothing wrong and you are just fine. No reason for this normal, everyday occurence of bumping your head to spiral out of control.

06-06-09, 10:04
thank you so much. I was just thinking and feeling miserable about the fact that what if i have to carry this fear through whole next month or so. Im feeling anxious this morning despite feeling good for several weeks, all because ive worked myself up about this. I mean, im just so dissapointed at myself. I hate feeling like this, being on guard about "what if it will become something serious". This makes my stress hormones rise through the roof and voila, anxiety hits which instead makes me feel even more sick. :mad:
And i see myself in your situation, I was already contemplating lying that my head hurts that i can go and see a doctor :blush:

06-06-09, 17:29
I had this too - if it is internal bleeding etc you'd know about it within about 24 hours by passing out I believe! I fret about stupid things like this, too, though - all the time!

06-06-09, 18:26
Evita...The skull is very strong and designed to withstand harder blows than you have experienced. I know it is the anxiety taking over, but please do not let it rule you for weeks...As someone already said, you know all the signs and you have not had any...if there was even a tiny bleed you would have symptoms. You will be fine..try to believe that. XXXXX

06-06-09, 19:23
thank you all so much. It means a lot. Ive been doing relaxation techniques and trying to stay away from the head injury pages :blush:
Was just telling my husband what a great support group this is, to have people who really understand how you are feeling. I hope I can help somebody else someday too. Hugs.

06-06-09, 19:27
ps. it is amazing how everytime i get a little scare i imagine the most unusual and unprobable outcome. As if there was a bully inside of me who wants to make me scared, the worse the better. And then the "other me" just weeps afraid and scared.

06-06-09, 19:43
I get those crazy thoughts too. I hate it. I had the same thing happen to me like 2 months ago. I hit my head on the counter corner and the cabinet door a couple of hours apart from each other and I got a headache and it didn't go away for like 3 days! I was freaking out, lol. But everything turned out okay :)

06-06-09, 19:46
wow, two times in one day? That wouldve been even worse, i wouldve been absolutely sure of a permanent brain damage :D

06-06-09, 23:24
Bizarrely, the one time something really bad did happen to my head, I wasn't really bothered - I was young and it was before this crazy anxiety crap happened! I was messing around with friends (totally sober and in the daytime!), and I ran up a wooden ramp to a door, slipped and banged my head on the door. I wondered why everyone was laughing when I opened my eyes, saying I had 'swept Tony off his feet'. only later did I realise I had actually knocked myself out and taken this other guy's feet out as I fell down - doh! I should have gone to hospital and been checked for concussion, but no, i just carried on with the rest of my day, albeit with a slightly sore head. As I have heard before, it is actually remarkably hard to kill a human!

17-02-14, 08:37
Hey there. I have been SUFFERING from anxiety and panic attacks for about 8 years now. I have been exactly where you are with believing there was internal bleeding every time I hit my head... no matter how hard. I have gone to the er so many times they know me by first name. I know you are fine. It takes some extremely hard blows to cause a little damage, but I also know when your the one it happens to there's always going to be that little "what if" voice that's keeping the anxiety going.
And it seems like it will never stop until there is physical proof (x-rays, MRIs, or even a doctors word) there to show that voice to back down.
I hit my head at work about 2 hours ago and it still hurts and I am in the process of battling my little voice to stop with the hysteria! I just want to go to sleep, and reading all these comments is making me feel better already. Of course it's stuff I already knew, but me saying to myself and my reading what other people have said make a HUGE difference in the long war on anxiety.
Thanks all and feel better. Let's win this war on fear and take our lives back for good!

17-02-14, 09:07
I hit my head with the door the week before last and had a duck egg but no visible bruising to speak of. Was in a bit if a tizz for a while but decided to ignore it and I assume I'm ok as I'm still here over a week later. Came blooming keen it did!

17-02-14, 13:01
If you had brain hemorrhage, silent or loud, you wouldn't be able to post here :) Therefore everything's just fine.