View Full Version : jaw problem,lump in it? :'(

05-06-09, 22:04
I just scratched the right side of my face at my jaw and as I did so I felt a lump and it's sort of in line with my teeth and gums if that makes sense and it moves about.When I press about it wobbles about..what is this!??? Itf freaking me ouT!!

05-06-09, 22:30
sounds like muscle to me xx

05-06-09, 22:38
its not always been there though :( :weep:

05-06-09, 22:41
well the only other thing i can think of is a gland. Have you a sore tooth, throat, ear etc

05-06-09, 22:44
its not like under my jaw like literally on the jaw line:( im freaking out.

i havea bit of a cold but i dont have swollen glands :( its like on my face :'( :weep:

Im scared

05-06-09, 23:05
my son has moveable glands on his jaw. If they move they are ok. Honsetly my son has this disorder where his glands swelled so much you could see them.!!

05-06-09, 23:11
if it isnt a tooth with an infection then i would say a gland i have that and i hav a gum disease from an abcese but also am jus getting over a cold and all my glands are up hope this helps tc x

06-06-09, 00:06
thanks for the replies petals :weep:

lumps and bumps etc just freak me out to know end. dunno what it is

06-06-09, 00:18
:weep: :weep:

06-06-09, 00:54
I got a pebble-like hard lump on my law line, right side. I can move it around a little bit.

One doctor said it was a little gland, my dentist said it was a little saliva gland, But they all said its harmless.

06-06-09, 01:02
kraggy- :hugs: thankyou. I'm just freaking out as you do.. lumps and bumps is my biggest fear and it drives me insane not knowing things and when thing sjust appear. It isn't sore or anything which makes me worry more,I dunno why
but thanks for the reply :)

06-06-09, 01:06
Ah, well mine is not sore at all I must say, its been there for a couple of month's now ^^ I've got no idea what it is exactly, but i've learned to just accept what doctor's say, and they told me not to worry about it ^^ Im sure it'll be fine.

08-06-09, 01:33
I have exactly the same thing, had it for years. dont remember when i first noticed it, but honestly its nothing to worry about, never did me any harm! :yesyes:

08-06-09, 02:32
It's nothing. I have one on either side, and used to be addicted to playing with them, lol.

Don't worry :)

08-06-09, 08:03
dont worry i have one of these from time to time, it especially flares up when i have a cold or a infection they tried to get rid of it with a broad spectrum antibiotic but the anitbiotic gave me terrible chest pains so i couldnt finish the course. Are you feeling run down or have a cold? You could still get it checked out by the dr but mine kept disapearing snd needed to see the same dr so they could feel it but could never get the same dr so gave up in the end .. so try not to worry