View Full Version : dizzyness

05-06-09, 22:59
I've been dizzy for a week.
I've been panicking, but its no way near as severe as last year - this is relatively mild. Apart from that I've been generally anxious and upset...

Is it possible to be constantly dizzy for a whole week because of anxiety?

I'm really worried.
Been to see the doctor but he doesn't see anything wrong with me. He's checking my iron for anaemia but I know I have it and I'm taking supplements... plus - this dizziness isn't the same as from anaemia. I'm really, really scared.

It's like being on a boat, or having extra water floating around in your brain. Every now and then it feels like a pressure - like you're being moved around by waves.

It's been a whole week now... surely it can't go on for longer? I even get it when I'm lying down.

05-06-09, 23:10
I've had dizziness on and off for a few years, but it's been quite bad recently. I was thinking that it was something to do with my chronic sinusitis - or maybe anaemia. Then I found that lots of people have posted on here about it so maybe it's just another symptom of anxiety, like we need any more!

I'm with you on the pressure thing - I've actually got that right now :(

05-06-09, 23:14
Oh - do you find sometimes that you can't 'see'? It's hard to explain, but you're looking at something and you know it's there, but you can't really see it - can't focus or something, or like the middle bit of the image isn't getting sent from your eyes to your brain. I get that with the pressure thing. And my eyes won't stay still! They keep twitching/wobbling (I can't explain properly, but if you get it too you'll know what I mean!)

05-06-09, 23:50
In answer to your question -- YES, it is possible to be dizzy for a week from anxiety. I got to experience it a whole month!!! That was awful! It is all a part of the cycle. You may start off experiencing some dizziness for whatever reason. Then you may go to sleep and upon waking you don't notice it at first, but darn it, you are thinking about it, and there it is again! You then spend your whole day "checking" yourself to see if you are still dizzy, and yep, you are. You start to worry, the dizziness gets worse. You finally got back to sleep and wake up feeling ok, then check yourself again, and there it is! It's like being on a ride you just can't get off of! It's awful! Your body is playing tricks on you and I am sorry you are going through that. I went to my doctor about it and we got to the emotional route of the problem, which helped. He also suggested I take an antihistimine and that helped, too. Before long, once I understood it was just another symptom of anxiety and why it was happening, it went away. I think you just need that reassurance. Also, you mentioned, "Apart from that I've been generally anxious and upset," maybe try and think back to any triggers or undue stress recently that might have caused such a symptom shift. Your answer and cure may lie there. Please let us know how things go, and if you need to talk about anything, we are here. :) Feel free to PM me if you need to. Hugs, Wiskers ~

06-06-09, 00:08
Oh - do you find sometimes that you can't 'see'? It's hard to explain, but you're looking at something and you know it's there, but you can't really see it - can't focus or something, or like the middle bit of the image isn't getting sent from your eyes to your brain. I get that with the pressure thing. And my eyes won't stay still! They keep twitching/wobbling (I can't explain properly, but if you get it too you'll know what I mean!)

Does your vision jerk slightly? up down left right? Like reading a book that someone is moving slightly and quickly? Your the first person I have seen mention this. I have been complaining of this for 3 years. Read my first entry post on NMP. I have what u have for 3 years. No answers except anxiety? Depersonalization etc?

Be interested in knowing what u find out. Mike

06-06-09, 12:19
Mike - I have just read your intro post. Wow. In terms of symptoms, I do know what you're going through. I've stopped reporting every feeling to my doctor, she puts EVERYTHING down to my anxiety/panic and depression.

I do get the jerking vision, not often but sometimes. Yep, just like trying to read a book that keeps moving (fast). I had my first experience of full-on vertigo last week, this led me to googling anything and everything to do with ears/sinuses etc etc! I also go through phases of feeling REALLY lightheaded, not just when I stand up but if I turn around or just generally move too quickly. When I get this, it is accompanied by a 'thick' head, 'full' ears, sleepiness, feeling distant and unreal, and sort of breathless - like someone has taken my air away. After a wave of this, I can then hear and feel my pulse in my ears and head. I have low blood pressure, I just keep telling myself it's that. And I don't eat very well (understatement :blush: ). My iron levels are constantly really low, and last time I was tested I needed folic acid as well. But I won't take iron supplements because they upset my stomach (and I have emetophobia, so ANYTHING with the potential to upset my stomach is an absolute NO). I think I'm just trying to find other reasons for feeling the way I do, because I don't want it to be all in my head and caused by my own brain :wacko:

It's the nature of anxiety/panic sufferers to endlessly search for reasons, and fear the worst, and dwell and ruminate... I keep telling myself that if others on here are feeling the same or similar things, it's probably related to the anxiety. I only spend an hour a day on google now, finding new diseases/conditions for myself. Then I come back here and realise that I'm not crazy, and I'm not alone. None of us on here are alone.
