View Full Version : Help is really needed please

05-06-09, 23:03
I haven't posted on here in a while, I feel im annoying people, but I really am stressing now :'( iv been getting my anal and rectum pains alot more frequently and today, after eating iv had really painful stomach pains. The pain is literally all over my stomach, my back even hurts. The pain spread lower as well like to the area where the pubis bone is too :'( im panicing, im terrified I have 2 tumor in my bowel or something :( also my anal pains are brought about by movement, like walking and stuff, im scared im like shaking the tumor or something :'( can anyone help with this?

05-06-09, 23:07
Can I ask a quick question, once you have been to the toilet do these pains ease?

05-06-09, 23:07
Alexy - you aren't annoying people at all.

Did you see my reply to your last post as I watched a programme about rectal pains and it was diagnosed as IBS so you could have that?

05-06-09, 23:15
Thanks alot for the replies :) which pains? The anal ones happen randomly and are only sometimes related to bowel movement, and the stomach pains at first weren't being relieved by anything, wind is relieving it a bit now :s but not much . And no I haven't seen that, but thanks for telling me, I really hope its just Ibs

06-06-09, 00:53
Hey honey. Believe it or not,I get these sorts of anal pains you're talking about even without needing a bowel movement and it's usually when I am worked up. not nessecarily anxiety,but any forms of stress or being run down etc,I get these and I actually have to bend over and clutch myself cos it is very sore.

But I do htink it seems to tie in with the Ibs. I have had the shooting pains which seems to go right trhough you(the pubis bone) and it is scary for sure! Please try be okay though..I know it's hard. I'm freaking about my own wee problem lol but I am sure you don't have tumours or shaking them. xxxxx

07-06-09, 01:09
Thanks so much for the reply wee mee, how often do you get pains? Iv had them like 4 times today alone :'( im so frightened :s

07-06-09, 01:37
Hey there honey bee,I can't say really how often but when I am upset about something(I got them not long ago last week when I was worried ill about my dad in hospital) I have definitely had these things you talk about. For me it varies form shooting pain right through anally to further into my stomach almost from near the front part of me,it's rather odd and bloody painful. So much so I have repeatedly had to try and take deep breaths whilst sayin "ah ah ah" over and over and eventually keeling over on the floor or ground wherever I am at the time. It is frightnig but I think it really is anxiety and stress working your body up to high doh. Sometimes after I have had these sorts of pains I have actually got so messed up inside that I have a fast urge to pass a bm and then even when I do that I get shooting pain up me.

I think I have Ibs though.. My bowels are crazy odd alternating from constipation and hard poohs painful to pass and making my tush bleed to watery nothingness bms.. Ah joys of anxiety. I hope I have helped well..I guess I can't take the pains you are having away but I think I have the same things you are on about hun but if you are still really concerned you should pop along to your gp cos there is no harm in getting some piece of mind etc.


08-06-09, 17:00
hey don,t worry i/ve had this for years on and off i have ibs and the main cause is me heath anxiety and depression take care

08-06-09, 18:01
Hi ya, ive had these along with piles weird looking soft stools etc had a sigmoidoscopy today and they found nothing wrong even though ive been having these problems for 6 months and the piles for 18 months. I f you havn't had this procedure have it done it took 5 mins it was so quick even though i have put it off for the last 3 months, if i had to do it again tomorrow i would. ;0)

08-06-09, 23:40
Heya, firstly, wee mee, you've been an amazing help to me, thanks for all the time you've spent replying to my many posts :) its reassuring to know im not the only one :) I hope your well too, you mentioned your dad, I hope all that is better now for you :) steven, as well thanks for the reply, is it the anal pains you've had or the stomach ones? And Leah I am meant to be having one of those, I saw a specialist a while back but haven't heard anything back yet, although I think my mum might be hiding the letter til after my exams, which is good really, its too stressful :s im really worried about it, because I was hoping my pain was piles, but the specialist put a scope up there and found none, so now im pretty terrified :s I just hope its Ibs :s that would be such good news ! xxxxx

09-06-09, 06:46
Well when you do have it done, please please dont worry about it, it was fine and over in 5 mins, i have let it worry me for months, funny thing was i'd forgoten about worrying about what they might find and concentrated on how bad the procedure would be, and i was so wrong to worry, it's a little uncomfortable but that is it. i hope you have it ASAP, to help ease your mind, my friend at work is 19 she has pains in her stomach, passes blood when she goes to the toilet, has constipation and anal pains, she had one done, and she is fine but they have diagnosed her with ibs.