View Full Version : ladies only please

05-06-09, 23:10
Hi all

Just curious to know if any of you ladies suffer badly with HA before/after menstruation?
About 5 years ago after the birth of my last child my husband kindly offered to have vasectomy so i no longer would have to worry about contraception.
So after the deed was done and my hubby had the all clear i stopped taking the pill (that i am afraid to say is when my HA began). Every month around 7/10 days before my period i really start to get anxious (chest pain , burping continually,horrible thoughts...............
this occurs again after my period is finished , i have been to docs for this on numerous occasions and have now been on fluoxetine for 4 years in july, the doc says he is sure that my anxiety is related to my period and the change in hormones but it is almost impossible to test hormones on the exact day when the change before menstruation so in that case will i always have to take fluoxetine until the menopause. Please reply if you to suffer this and if any of you have found something other than antideppresants that help. I would be very grateful for any replies.:yesyes:

05-06-09, 23:22
yes i do the week before and after the one after is the worst im a mess, but sadly not found a way with out medication yet, this time its been that bad that i have actually pulled all the mucles in my left side in my back and chest can hardly move for the spasms!

05-06-09, 23:38

Ive been helped by 5mg of cipralex/lexapro. A lot. Now after been on them for 4 months the past few periods i havent even noticed that they were starting as suppose to before when it was a week of hell before the period.
Btw my cousin who is into holistic stuff (also a chemist) is certain that my hormones are screwed up because of the fillings in my mouth (Bisphenol A). Im still not sure but have decided to read upon it..

05-06-09, 23:42
Hi evita,

can u please tell me what cipralex is used for i am already taking fluoxetine?
thanks for the prompt reply x

05-06-09, 23:59

"Fluoxetine Hydrochloride is the generic for Prozac. Escitalopram Hydrochloride is the generic for Lexapro/Cipralex.
They both belong to the same category of medication - SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor)."

I was suffering from GAD and panic attacks and a bad pms when we decided (with therapist) to start on these. I had read studies where cipralex/lexapro had helped women with severe PMS (its called PMDD) Google for example "Escitalopram and PMDD". I recall there were other SSRI too that helped but I read the most about cipralex.

06-06-09, 00:01
ps. and they were helped by a continuous low dose, some had to up the dose week before periods

06-06-09, 00:04
My panic/anxiety is definitely affected by my cycles. I was a bit confused and worried about the increases that happen after my period - until I read this!

So, thank you x

06-06-09, 00:15
btw i just read on about this BPA, it seems to be "a synthetic estrogen". meaning when it gets into our bodies it "fakes" estrogen. They have taken all these plastics as in bottles from us and canada markets cause they have caused higher levels of estrogen in children. im just wondering what about this same stuff in teeth fillings or other plastics that we use. I know that my pmdd is prob caused by too high levels of estrogen but dont know why. well, it could be many things, or it just is.