View Full Version : Constant worrying

06-06-09, 07:09
Hey everybody,
So like most of us, my HA has most certainly had it's ups and downs, but I've been finding it to be terrible at night. I just started a new job, so I've been pretty tired, but I start to convince myself that I'm tired because of a different cause. I still get pains in my chest, and stomach it feels as if there is a bubble right below my heart. Sometimes I feel a little sick, but it never comes to anything such as vomiting, or really anything beyond mild nausea and discomfort. I've had an EKG and a Stress Echo test, both came back with no problems. So I guess I should be able to rule out most heart problems right? Well in a little under two weeks I'm going to have an endoscopy to see if I have a bacteria infection in my stomach. Also I will have random stiffness/discomfort in my lower back/spine region. This pain is not consistent through the day, but it does happen nearly every day. Though even though I have these pains mainly when I have down time, I generally feel fine at work, and can play basketball and hockey, but when I'm just sitting around, I keep thinking that terrible things are going to happen to me such as my heart just up and stopping.

Every night I keep awake, convincing myself that something is wrong, and then my mind wanders off to terrible, yet outlandish places. I'm not sure what I'm asking here, just kinda needed to vent, and looking for some reinforcement that I'm not losing my mind/life.

06-06-09, 07:40

I keep doing this & then getting angry at myself for it. I know I've had the chronic pain for years. I know I'm doing everything I can to help myself and I've tried to do everything I've been advised to do.

Whenever I have a flareup or get sad or panicky, I keep asking the same questions again. Am I exercising wrong? is a big one. I know I'm not, I get bad pain days sometimes. Or about treatments. There are no more treatments. I know that. I've tried everything. Then I get frustrated all over again & embarrassed as well. I should know better by now, I think to myself. STUPID!

Anxiety is meanness to self! Sounds like your mind is pretty clear, that's good. You might be worried, but you aren't taking it too literally. Trust me it's normal to feel worried when there's pain every day. It hurts a lot! It wears us out. When I want a break from it, there is none. My lower back pain always gets bad if I sit around too much. I'm terrified of repetitive bending cause that's how I hurt it & how I reinjured it again several times when trying to get back to original work duties, & it hurts when I bend more than 4 or 5 times in a day, the pain keeps building up. Then I feel ashamed of being afraid as if my pain must be my fault cause I'm afraid. The docs always said to push through it, but it always made it worse. The pain lasted for ages after too, like I would try something & it would hurt for many weeks after, & I used to do that stuff every day, filling stock, pushing, pulling, twisting, picking up boxes or fallen stock. I took it for granted I could do all that stuff. It can be hard when health starts to get in the way of life...

Basketball & hockey must be fun :) I always wished I could catch & aim lol.

12-06-09, 11:12
I figured I'd revive this thread, instead of starting a new one. I was doing fine, then out of no where I'm in the middle of a huge panic attack, constantly checking my pulse, convincing myself that something is wrong in my chest. I have a light, near tickling feeling around my body, I'm really tired(it's 6:11 AM here east coast in the states). I can't sleep, but every minute I stay up I get more tired, and believe more is wrong with me.

12-06-09, 12:59
I'm exactly the same as you, the slightest twinge and I think something bad is going to happen. I had an ECG as well and all was normal. I get stomach pains which I've been told are IBS and anxiety related but I keep thinkingmy appendix is going to burst or I have bowel cancer.

My Dr diagnosed me as having GAD which means you worry constantly and can't switch off. I would definately mention this to your Dr as it does sound a lot like that. Search it on Google and see if it sounds like you