View Full Version : As far as days go...

02-09-05, 18:52
...this one has been pretty abismal :( Some of you may remember that I was booked to go on holiday today, and seeing as I'm posting here, you can probably guess that I didn't go! The reason for this is that my boyfriend and I, who have been arguing on and off for a month or so without knowing why, broke up late last night. I had been trying to get ready for the holiday, and intermittently chatting to him online for most of the day, and he had barely said 5 words to me. He had been umm'ing and err'ing about going on the holiday a couple of weeks ago, after an argument (and I'm meant to be the one with anxiety!) but had said he would go, as we are always better when together, then with his behaviour yesterday I just knew he was dragging his feet again. I asked him several times if he still wanted to go, and got no answer, and after trying to talk to him about it without any useful response for several hours, I finally gave up and had to say we wouldn't go - I just couldn't face spending a week with someone who couldn't even say 5 words to me in a whole day! :(

We'd been together for nearly 4 years, and one of the things that disappointed me most - apart from splitting up and not going on holiday, of course - was that he has known about my anxiety all that time, knew I was anxious about the journey, and acted in such a way as to make things worse for me instead of either putting his doubts aside, or discussing them with me so that we could work through it together [V]

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

02-09-05, 19:14

I'm so sorry to hear about the break-up and that you didn't go on your holiday. I can imagine that you're feeling pretty down about things right now. Just remember that all clouds have a silver lining..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

02-09-05, 19:47
Hi leah

ive been through these sorts of searios in the past and realise that
you must be feeling awful right now, men are strange creatures sometimes and can be very selfish. im sure you must be exhausted with emotion but please remember that things will get better with time.
take extra care of yourself as you are probably very vulnerable right now and it would be very easy for your axiety to take a tighter grip.

feel free to pm me if you need a chat


02-09-05, 22:53
Hi Leah

Sorry to hear about that today but if hes not good at being supportive and helping you, then in time you may find you do as well without him.

Take care of yourself meanwhile.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?