View Full Version : pls help

06-06-09, 09:55
why is it i can't bring myself to wake up and do housework, why am i always lying in bed, and i am so so scared of this heartbeat fast and dizzyiness, until i am so scared. pls tell me, will ibe ok? should i push myself? should i be strong to just wake up and cook food for my families?will ibe ok after cooking. why am i always lying in bed and cant' walk around d, do housework? i am scared for heart beat fast when istart to walk around. should i shout, sing loudly even if my heart beating fast? what if i get panic? i am so so scared. my kids is so hungry and forcing me to cook. but i don't wnat them to bother me, i am scared.

my house is in total mess, i pited my husband becos he is coming home soon tiring, and have to see the mess of the house, and see me just lying in bed becos i am scared of my symptom coming again. and my kids they are becoming nonsense, i don't even have time mood to teach their schoolwork, and i don't care what they are doing outside, they r playing the whole of their waking hours, i just leave it to them,to do whatever they want, but i pitied and get even anxious and worried abt their schoolwork, they failed their exams and keep on getting addicted to their games , they r playing computer games from their waking hours to midnight, and i hv no strength to stop them, becos they r addicted when i say stop they answer me, so i can't take it, i can't breathe, so i say play. its' torturing me, will i be ok, i want to start moving but how? am i ok or am i mad? i don't want to go for treatment i want to cure myself naturally and on my own, i got supportive husband and parent,s i got loving families but i am mad.

06-06-09, 10:52
i force myself to do vacumming wow my heart beat so fast and i feel light heded but i shout scold myself not ti be lazy, i manage to do my work but with so much pain, and tiredness and effort, all these started from yesterday afternoon, start to feel heart beat fast. hate this again. i forced myslef. still dizzy.....

06-06-09, 11:53
if you spend lot of time in bed when you get up your heart will race, becase it has been relaxing even healthy people would get it like ater flu,,it wont hurt you to get up just try walking around a little at a time,,if you feel dizzy sit and watch telly, i now as i did what you do,, the feeling when you get up is not nice but the more you get up the less your heart will go fast,,its normal dont worry my friend:winks:

06-06-09, 12:02
yeah i have the same problem , i just get up and try to ignore it and try and as much as i can to keep myself busy to distract me from those thoughts i very hard i know:hugs: as i struggle myself but just go to no give up and keep trying x x

06-06-09, 12:46
i have been sleeping quite alot lately, becos of dizziness, and feeling very very sleepy, everyday i am sleepy, and dizzy so i always sleep. today ijust lie down in bed, but i have been having this heart beat fast since yesterday and the dizziness long time ago since february 09, i thought it is depression becos i have alot of stress at work, i feel sleepy all the time, believe me i feel sleepy whole of the day esp at work but at night i can't sleep, then i got this hormone imbalance problem and i am on medication for noriestherone and now the doc stop my menses from flowing i got very heavy bleeding lately cosing me to have low HB blood, now i am so sickly sick. am i going to be okay, i hate this dizziness and light headedness and heart beating fast i am so scared, how to stop my worry?

06-06-09, 12:49
but why when i sit on the floor i feel more dizzy and when waking up from sleeping or sitting position i feel more dizzy,
thanks D:

06-06-09, 13:04
Hi! Im Alba`s only daughter! And nice to meet all of you! I love pink!

06-06-09, 14:19
I feel very sorry for you :hugs: it maybe worth checking with your MD. that you are simply not anemic...i mean you need to eat well and you sound so anxious...hope you feel better soon xx


06-06-09, 15:00
sorry what is meant by MD? why you mean i am not anemic? then what could it be? i am very very anxious, every single minute i am searching for the cure and reason why i am so depressed, stres and anxious and panicky and why am i having so much light headed and dizzines, that is always in my mind 24hrs a day, help pls. i am so so wanting to get cured?

06-06-09, 16:06
Alba- has your doctor started treating your anemia yet? Are you eating enough, drinking enough? Your heart is fine. Don't let the fast heartbeat scare you. The heavy periods you're having need to be taken care of. I have read in your other posts that it last 3 months for you...that is too much. No wonder you're anemic. Take an iron supplement and some other vitamins too. Try some energy drinks and always drink plenty of water.

Feeling sleepy is a part of your anemia, as well as your anxiety. You won't get worst if you push through the feeling and get on with the day. If you clean the house and cook the meals, you're gonna feel very good about yourself and then when you're done, you can go to sleep! A good meal is essential for you too.

I think once your hormone imbalance is solved and your anemia comes under control, you'll be good as new. Hang int here my friend.

06-06-09, 17:07
thank you so much all of u just lifted my spirits, no i mean my menses started to go haywire from Feb09 when i am in a deep mess of stressful moment at work being bullied and shouted at everyday. i never know that can affect my periods to be haywire, it started from then that my menses is overflowing but i see doctor and the doctor keep on giving me hormone tablets to stop my bleeding and each time i bleed more than normal, the doctor will give me progesteron injection to stop my heavy bleeds and i never expect that can cos me to have anaemia. last few weeks i bleed very heavy until i am soak with blood for 1 day, immediately the doctor give me injection to stop my heavy bleed but i guess it's not too good to stop my periods like that cos it is stuck in my body all those dirty blood period, maybe that also contribute to my mentally and physical body pain, until my head want to explode, and anxiety, panic attack and all those unpleasant feelings, the most is my depression at work, everyday i go to work i feel so dragging and sick, that i hve to take so many medical leave and run home to sleep.
but as i said, i am always feeling very dizzy, and i tried to cook and do housework, clean house, vacuum but i am so scared that while doing all those things i felt so dizzy, sweaty and light headed and heart beating fast, in that moment pls tell me what should i do? now it's night for me here, and i am feeling quite awake but tired but can't sleep. thank you for helping me thru this, it is very unpleasant time for me, that i feel out of control, my hubby keep on telling me that even though i feel like giddy, light headed i must force myself to walk and do things cannot just run and lie down in bed whole day, he say i must move on, but i cant' becos i am too scared, i am scared i might faint or anything bad happen, and i am so scared and tremble worrying what is wrong with me during my light headedness and heart beating fast. i am so confuse.

06-06-09, 17:10
thanks, doctor just give me FBC (i don't know what is that medication), she gave me that becos my total full blood count is not out yet, she make it urgent case so the next day i got my result the nurse call me to see her again for review, but too bad she is only working on monday, so i will can only see her on monday, i feel more comfortable to see her than other docs, i will be meeting her on monday to see what kind of medication she will give me, and toknow what is my reading. i am anxous and worried and heart beating like hell even now. i really want to get over all this, i am tired of getting sick everyday, do u think that if i resign from my work, i will be fine and good? becos now at work just by hearing that bully voice make me so pain and i dreamt of this bully at night that this bully is going to harm me, i am so insecure at work even though this bully not coming to me, but just passing by me or hearing the voice, i get shiver and sick. i hope if i resign I will be ok, will I?

07-06-09, 12:09
hi today i sleep the whole day, i got no energy to wake up do work or stand, i walk a bit cook food then i felt so so sleepy so iwent to sleep then i wake up eat lunch and feel sleepy again and went off to sleep then after that i wake up feel sleepy again.

07-06-09, 14:52
Alba...When you go to see the doctor/nurse tomorrow, can you tell them exactly how you feel and how it is frightening you. Once they reassure you that you are not going to come to harm, it will be easier for you to tackle your panic and the bad feelings that you are having. Hopefully, the treatment will help soon...in the meantime as others have suggested you must eat good nutritious food and try to give yourself a little goal/task like saying "I am going to wash and put away the dishes now then I will sit down for a bit" Do not rush to do everything at once, but in little bits. Try telling yourself "I can be calm for 5 mins"and try your best to relax for that time. Sorry your work colleague is distressing you...you will cope with it better when you feel stronger. Take care and good luck at the Doctors. XXXXX

07-06-09, 16:40
I am a new member I have suffered from anxiety and panic for about 21 years, most of my symptoms were dizziness, first thing you need to do, and I know it is hard, do your every day things and if you feel panicky try not to let your panic completely overwhelm you. On a scale of one to ten try not to let yourself panic over five, you are letting adreniline release itself all over your body and it makes you feel dizzy and want to go to bed and lie down.. If you try your best not to panic, and I know it is hard not to panic, but try not to and when you feel more relaxed the thoughts in your head will go away, you are inwardly thinking all the time because you are in so much of a panic, it is very hard to relax, but try not to panic and when you calm down your thoughts wont be thinking about you all the time and you will start enjoying life and playing with your kids and doing homework with them and everything....It not easy but try not to tense your body up, if you feel panicky your body tenses and the adreniline starts pumping, when you start to panic, think no, I am not going to tense my muscles and release all your muscles and the adreniline wont pump round, in a few weeks you will feel almost back to normal, remember it is only your mind keeping you in bed, but you have worn your body out panicking, you need to concentrate on relaxing, and your thoughts will return to normal thinking when your body is no longer worn out, hope this advice helps you, Joyce x
Oh and p.s. just because you calm yourself down, you will still feel the same symptoms, just don't panic, float through them, dont let them bother you, you will soon find your mind drifting and thinking of nice things instead.... believe me. i used to lie on my bed rocking praying the morning wouldnt come as i used to feel giddy all the time. I bought a book by Claire Weekes(self help for your nerves) told me everything I needed to know, my advice to you is some advice I got out of this book, if it starts to work, buy the book . I keep it as my bible....loads of luck xxx

07-06-09, 17:18
thank you so very much for the advice and kind words, i guessed that is what we need the most in time like this. i really feel so so terrribly sick like end of my everything, i can't think, walk go shopping, play with my kids, teach them schoolwork, believe me the whole day today i sleep, and i tried to wake up to heat up some food, the moment i am in kitchen with heat wow i sweat theni feel so stress my head tense and i feel so light headed or lost, i feel where am i , i want to run , help me somebody, but when i look at my kids, i just smile to them, then striaght i go to the bed and take a nap and i wake up same thing, i go back to sleep, my hubby got frustrated, he say i can't keep on going on like this, i just told him, i am so sick, i need to resign from my work, i am so tired, giddy, but he won't understand he thinks i am too weak and not strong to fight this, all i can tell him is that, pls let me cure myself, give me some time, i want and desperately want to get well soon, i am tired of not being able to do anything, and also i am so clumsy when doing work, it's like i am not steady, everything i do, i drop things, or i just can't thnk well. anyway i will try my best to listen to your advice and do all and everything and to get well, that's my priority. i really don't know this can cause me so so much sickness. yeah i have been so worried abt everything all my life, and i keep on thinking too much abt everything, the last straw iswhen my office person treat me so rudely and builled me from then i keep on hating everybody, there's so much anger and pain inside me, i really hope i can clear that up, becos it is making me so sick everyday.thanks.

07-06-09, 17:21
sorry does anyone knows why i am feeling so so sleepy the whole day, i can't do anything but to sleep if i wake up i feel so distress and restless and giddy and light headed, so i shut myslef up by sleeping, why am i feeling this way? should i just go ahead and sleep or force myself to wake up even i feel giddy, i am so afraid if i may faint.

07-06-09, 17:27
pls help each time i go out with my kids or hubby, i will always have to hold on to them, either i put my hand onto my kids shoulder for support or i will grab my hubby arm or hand to walk with him. if i don't do that i feel so lost or feel like fainting. my kids hate it when iput my hand on their shoulder, they say i am pressing them down, and my hubby say i need walking stick.

07-06-09, 17:30
Today The Whole Day I Have Been Sleepiing Now Night Time I Can't Even Sleep, Their So Many Things In My Mind, Thinking Of Tormorrow Hvaving To Go Back To My Sadness Workplace And Meeting Ppl That Bully Me I Feel So Stress. I Just Think It's Good If Only I Can Pass The Day With No Panic Attakc, Anxiety Or Giddiness Tomorrow, I Just Hope The Day Will Pass With No Problems. That's What I Wish For Everynigt.

07-06-09, 18:18
All it seems like to me is pure panic and anxiety. I used to be that bad myself, people don't understand what you are going through unless they go through it themselves. When you go to work tomorrow, try and not get worked up about anything, does it matter what people say to you at work, you have plenty of rights in your workplace, human rights, you can put a complaint in, the bullies will be dealt with, you are strong enough to do this even if you dont think you are. Anyway, rather than concentrating on them, concentrate on yourself, don't let yourself panic, if you can help it, try and have one day without panic. If you do this, try and get yourself back into sleeping at night, or even if you are lay in bed at night as long as your body is resting it does not matter if you lay awake thinking, your body needs rest, your brain will be ok without rest. When you get back into this pattern of proper sleep you will start thinking more clearly.. You need to start tomorrow by thinking you will not let yourself get worked up into a panic, get home do the things you need to do, without panicking, go to bed, it does not matter if you do not sleep as long as your body is resting, then get back up the next day and try again to have a day with no panic, the more you can just practise this the better you will feel.. I mean if you think about it, you can concentrate enough to write a message on here. That is one time when you are probably not inwardly thinking about how you feel, so when you write on this blog, you are feeling a bit of normality, you will feel like this a lot more until you get back to normal, but it will take time and you have to make your husband realise you can not just snap out of it, and speak to the kids as well, tell them mummy is feeling a bit poorly at the moment, then you wont feel as bad that you don't want them mithering you..... If you practise this you will feel a lot better before you know it ..... Joyce x

07-06-09, 18:23
In fact Alba, if people are bullying you at work, dont get worked up about it, just write down the date and the time of what has been said to you, when you have enough evidence, present it to your boss, or if it is your boss bullying you, someone higher than your boss. People can not get away with bullying you at work, but dont let it cause you anxiety as it will make your panic attacks worse,, if you have slept in the day, you wont feel tired at night, you have to try and get yourself in the pattern of sleeping at night, even if you just lay on the bed and stay awake, as long as your body has rested you can face the day.................Joyce

07-06-09, 19:03
thanks for replying, already bring it up to big boss, butno use becos this bully is a nacrissim so always get away with it. I am having bad chest pain, dizzy, when i stand or walk even lying down i feel so dizzy, why? i can't sleep, my eyes is not sleepy at all but i feel so dizzy. and i panic now. i am sweating again. i keep on thinking alot lots of things in my brian, ican't sleep so i lye down and not intentionally i think so many things, abt this bully abt work, then suddenly when i want to get up i feel so so dizzy. help pls i am crazy

07-06-09, 19:07
thanksl but why is it i keep on thinking so so much, abt me resigning , abt me moving to somewhere else to stay shifting houses, thinking abt my kids bad result in school, thinking if i resign am i able to helpmy kids to be better person, i worry if i resign how to support myslef , will people look down on me, can i manage if i become full time mum, all these had been racing and playing in my brain for 4hrs till now i can't sleep,with all these racing thoughts in my brain, when i try ot get up i feel so dizzy, is it like that, when u think too much, i get dizzy before i can think for hours but never get dizzy, now when i get dizzy i am so scared then my heart beat so fast, i am thinking can i survive tomorrow morning without dizzy, now i am dizzy.

07-06-09, 19:08
I Can't Sleep, My Brain Keep On Thinking So So Many Things, Am I Going To Be Okay : Am Scared, I Think I Am Crazy

08-06-09, 19:48
Hi Alba,
How did you cope with the day, if you are dizzy all the time check nothing is wrong by going to the doctor, if you just feel dizzy for a few moments because you are panicking it will probably be just panic, you will have lots of thoughts in your head while you are in an anxiety state, let them come, but dont let them bother you, try your best to calm and relax yourself even by getting a relaxation dvd, when you stop being so anxious and panicking these thoughts will go less and less and eventually you will be able to think clearly again, dont feel you are going mad, it is just pure anxiety and will go when you have learned to relax..but I used to be dizzy all the time too and be light headed it was all because of anxiety, if you dont feel as though it is get the dizziness checked by your doctor, best of luck Joyce

09-06-09, 13:03
today suppose to be a good day for me becos from morning, i felt ok, good with no symptoms, just a bit of light head but its ok after that, but it al started when i heard the voice of the person that bully me, this person walk past me, the moment it pass me, i feel sudden dizziness and light headedness coming, as i walk away i feel so so unbalance, could that contribute to my dizziness and not the anaemia? i am confuse
then when i reach home i got disagreement with my husband and father, suddenly i can't walk,i feel so strained and dizzy and so sick. why before disagreement don't make me dizzy but nowadyas seeing that bully face make me dizzy and sick, what happening, pls help, i am so lost now, i can't walk/ i am so stress i just scolded my kids and call them names. i am going mad.

09-06-09, 19:21
you aren't going mad, all it is is that when you get anxious your adreniline starts going round your body and it brings your symptoms up, so you have to try and stay out of stressful situations, or ignore this person at work and just concentrate on getting yourself better by staying calmer, that is the key, stay calm, you will get better, when you get better you can deal with this bad person at work.. you are not going mad, it is all stress, that is why you shouted at your children as well, but it is not really their fault, it is just stress, you need to start every day and try not to panic, if you do, just calm down as soon as poss, and the next day try it again, you will start to feel normal again before you know it...see how you go Joyce