View Full Version : TREMBLING

06-06-09, 11:54
For 2 days i am having heart beating very fast, and dizziness, and now 10 mins ago i still feel dizzy, light headed and heart beating fast and now i am trembling myh whole body is trembling and now mhy heart is also trembling why. help

06-06-09, 12:00
its to do with the adrenaline going round in your body mine is lasting longer cus i keep tensing up and i am struggling to relax just calm down tell yourself nothing bad is going to happen to you. Try some breathing exercises are try distracting yourself from thinking about your symptoms and i bet when you do get distracted from them they will no longer be as bad as before the distraction. You will get throught this and it wont last for ever trust me

06-06-09, 12:41
thanks quickly i took atenolol 25mg as i am holding my glass i tremble shaknes, my kids so scared to see me like this, gosh i am going crazy soon what is happening to me,i can't control myself. 1st my heart beating so so fast, then dizzy and now its trembling, i can't control all this, i get lost just now whne my kids ask what happen i suddenly forget where am i and who they are, i am so so scared. i am still scared, i am still dizzy when i sit down on the floor, why?

06-06-09, 16:21
Trembling = anxiety and nervousness, please dont forget that you're anemic too. Please find a way to calm yourself down. Try some breathing exercises or something. Get a massage...something to ease your nerves.

06-06-09, 20:11
you need to go to dr about your symptoms so he can give you something to calm you down a little

07-06-09, 08:46
thanks, i used to take xanax before even my cardiologist giving me xanax but i am afraid to take it, becos last 2years i 've been taking it hapily, then sudenly al my symptoms starts early last 2yrs, with sleepy, tired, i think it is becos i been taking alot of xanax. and my gp doctor dn't give me xanax he say xanax is making me high, and he give me lorapezum (i also scared to take) i really hope to cure this naturally. thanks. i don't understand why my gp say xananx make me high. is it? i am thinking of taking xanax until i resign from my workplace.