View Full Version : I can always feel my heartbeat is this normal and feel nevous

06-06-09, 12:54
Hi there im a 29 year old male in not bad health i think!
My problem is that i can always feel my heart beat and see my heart beat in my chest and wrists and want to know if any else feels the same and if there is any thing i can do.
I have been to the doctor and had ecg x2 and he has said that it's all fine i have had about 3 doctors take my pulse and listen to my heart and they all said it was ok and to put my mind at rest they are sending me for a 24 heart monitor im so fed up of wanting to see a doctor for them just to say im ok but i always feel nevous and to tell you the truth ill and tired.
Im really fed up with this and its starting to affect my life like i said im only 29 and it really scares me that this is what my life is going to be like.

Please let me know if any one else feels the same and is there any thing i can do.

Thanks for looking and sorry for going on a bit.

06-06-09, 17:27
Yes I can feel my pulse everywhere - even my toes if I concentrate really hard. i can also see my pulse in my abdomen and fingers and wrists etc. I am just grateful to be slim enough to see and feel it,and to have such a strong heart! It used to freak me out, too, though. Paper will actually bounce up and down on my stomach if I lie down!

You are not alone in this at all.

06-06-09, 18:30
I can always feel my heartbeat and I can watch it in the pulse on my wrist. It is perfectly normal and now that you have had all the tests you must feel reassured and try to forget about it. You are in good health, heartwise and should be really pleased that tests have proved that. Good luck and try to forget this, which is after all very common.

06-06-09, 18:45
Thanks for the comments guys its great that other people seem to feel the same i was just really worried that a strong heartbeat was a sign it was going wrong.
Once again thanks guys.

06-06-09, 18:55
Bazza...Strong is GOOD!! Cheers and glad you are feeling more positive. Well done!

06-06-09, 19:03

I can see my pulse in my wrist as I look at it now. I also get the same feelings as you regarding the heart etc. It is quite normal, especially in anxious people
