View Full Version : everybody is leaving me

02-09-05, 23:36
hello... everybody is leaving me.... mu auntie has just said goodbye, she along with my uncle and cousins are heading bak to canada where they live. It was the most emotional time ever for a few reasons.
> 1. My auntie is the only one in my entire family i relate to.
> 2. My grandad (my aunties dad) is terminally ill with liver cancer, he only has a few weeks left to live. Its the last time she is going to see him alive. and i just witnessed them saying goodbye to each other.
> 3. after feeling alone right now anyway i really didnt want to say goodbye to the only family i have.
the upset, other people being upset and the panic of my grancha being dead when i walk through the front door sent me into a delayed panic attack. Death is staring my grancha point blank in the face. Is he staring at me too? Just thinking about all of the above makes my chest feel tight and my head dizzy. i tried really hard today to think of something else, but i couldnt. the hurt and anguish was all around me with no distraction. after only knowing that ive been suffering panic attacks for a few days after a few years of suffering ive become more aware of them, fuelling my panic even more. Im panicking that every bad situation is gonna send me into a panic attack. im going through a lot of bad situations which means lots of panicking.
with anti depressants in my bag, and 2 weeks before they supposidly start working,and no help or support from doctors i feel conned. i want to stop these panic attacks now. I still think that even after all the tests that they've made a mistake, i've got something seriously wrong with me and they've just told me i have panic attacks to shut me up.
my parents must be the least supportive in the world. they dont believ in panic attacks. so i sit there in silence while my chest feels like its so tight i cant breathe, my heart races to 130bpm i can feel my heart in my throat, then the sign its easing over i start to feel faint. i take a deep breath and they tutt in disapproval and disbelief. i feel so alone as a tear drops onto the keyboard i am typing with, i need help and there is nothing i can do, doctors wont lsten, parents dont listen, friends wont listen. so im sending this out into the void hoping that theres someone to read it, just to make me feel less alone.
if youve read the whole of this then i thank you from the bottom of my heart
rhiocays xxxxxxxx

help me if u can im feeling down...... !!!!!

02-09-05, 23:44

We arer here and I'm sorry you are feeling so bad right now but it is for appropriate reasons.

You could pop into chat where you'll be welcomed I'm sure for a bit of a distraction.

Being upset and distraught due to the impending loss of Grancha is a normal and healthy reaction..

You take extra care of yourself please thse next few days

Meg x

02-09-05, 23:59
Hi Rhiocays,
I am so sorry you are having such a tough time at the moment. It is hard losing people you love, you have every right to feel this way. Popping into chat is a good idea, as Meg said, or you could PM someone. Sometimes sharing your thoughts with someone else helps a little, at least you wouldn't feel so alone. You are in a tough situation, let yourself cry if you need to. I can't say I understand how you feel, as probably no-one does exactly right now, but I did lose a grandparent last week so if you want someone who understands a little PM me anytime.
Take care xxx

Tam x

03-09-05, 01:52
Hi and i can totally understand how you feel.

You will never be alone on here and we are here to help you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

03-09-05, 10:51
hi Rhiocarys,

Sorry to hear about what you're going through. It's no wonder that you feel lonely. Do stick around the forum and the chatroom. We will help you pass the time!!

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

03-09-05, 17:53
Hi Rhiocarys,

Sorry you are going through a tough time at the moment. Remember you are not alone in this and we will help you with whatever we can.

You take care,

Love PIP'S X X

03-03-07, 11:29
Hi Rhiocarys

I'm not surprised you're having panic attacks - watching someone you care for going through the terminal phase but without a definite 'end date' is one of the hardest things I certainly ever had to do.

There's a terribly feeling of impotence; nothing you can do to change what the person's going through (apart from keep them entertained and help the time pass as humanely as possible) loads of stress and upset and no way to let all of that out. Panic is a primeval reaction set up to get us all revved up and ready to either fight or scarper, either of which gets rid of all that adrenaline but without that physical release we just feel like a coiled spring getting tighter and tighter. That's where the panic attacks kick in; acting as an emotional pressure valve to let off a little of the nervous energy.

Please don't worry about the symptoms you're feeling - they are quite normal.

H :-)