View Full Version : Heart attack symptoms right now !!!!

06-06-09, 19:35
I have really bad health anxiety it stems back to when my dad died when I was 17 then I hade a heart infection when I was 21, now im 25 I have high blood pressure so constantly think im die'ing,

When my health anxiety is at its worse which is now, I have the exact same symptoms as a heart attack

I have chest pain, a pain down my left arm, dizziness, hot flushes and a pain in my jaw/teeth . . . . So I am now panicking like mad that I am having a heart attack,

I try to rationalise by telling my self that I have had these pains and sensations before and im still here, but the demons in my head always take over and tell me its worse this time and that im having a heart attack,

Does anyone get the same, please help put my mind at rest im really panicking !!!

06-06-09, 19:43
hi, you could try and contact nhs direct for advice to be on the safe side as you have a past history with your heart, this may help you from over worrying and if they do decide:hugs: to check you out to be on the safe side then hopefully they would put your mind at rest

06-06-09, 19:43
Hi There

Well i can say i know what your going through i lost my dad at a early age through a heart attack and i also have high blood pressure but is much better with my meds.

I take it you have been tested with a ecg and blood tests because of your blood pressure and they have come back ok.

It sounds to me you are having a panic attack as i have them and they are harmless but very scary and very hard to forget but keep telling yourself thats what it is, drink lots of water and take deep breaths i find this helps.

I really hope you feel better soon and it passes quickly.

06-06-09, 19:46
i get exactly the same when i have a attack although i know nothing bad is going to happen my mind tells me different and cant stop thinking bad thoughts but i usually distract myself until it passes about 30-40 mins.(for me)

06-06-09, 19:52
Thanks people

Bazza - I have had loads of blood tests and more ECG's than I can remember, I am actually under a cardiologist for my blood pressure who assures me there is nothing wrong with my heart and that what I experience sounds very much to be anxiety,

It still doesn't stop me from worrying myself mad, I have a very loving and understanding partner who tries her best to calm me down but it doesn't work, I hate having anxiety !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-06-09, 19:59
Biggy we always worry and your lucky that you have a partner that understands a lot of people dont.

We all hate having anxiety i think that it really controls your life and its not fair i would not wish it on any one.

As for your doctor im sure he knows what he is talking about and if you have had the tests then rest assure your heart is ok.

Saying all this is easy and i know how hard it is to forget these attacks but your not alone.

Hope it gets better soon

06-06-09, 20:34
i have experienced the same and even called the ambulance who have done ecg's and even taken me into hospital as i was saying i was convinced it wasnt a panic attack even though it was,turns out though i have gallstones which is excruciatingly painfull and apparently similar to heart attack,so i had reason to panic as had this severe pain withought diagnosis.i know what you mean its hard to be rational even though u KNOW that you are having a panic attack.its vicious circle with us panickers i think.i think the deep breathing definatly helps and if you do it properly you cant help but relax at least a little.also if you are prone to panic attacks i wouold cut down on caffeine and msg as have found them to trigger mine of before.hope you remain in good health.and if in doubt call the ambulance even if you know deep down your just panicking,at least you will be reassured