View Full Version : Fear of cotton balls

06-06-09, 20:16
Is there treatment and hope for this phobia?:glare:

06-06-09, 20:28
Like every other phobia, of course there will be a treatment, and of course there is hope that you will overcome it.

It's important to establish why you fear them, or what may have caused your fear.

There are a variety of treatments, such as exposure therapy, CBT, etc. Delve abit deeper into these treatments, have a look around the site/talk to people who have phobias of any kind and ask them what are they doing/planning to do to cope/overcome their phobia, etc.

You can overcome this through time, don't give up! :) You can do it. :)

Chrissy xx

06-06-09, 20:31
some of the phobias in this world are effin ridiculous. I mean, fear of cotton balls? makes NO SENSE at all.

06-06-09, 20:33
It'll make sense in some way lol. Don't put it down, seriously, it's alright to have this sort of phobia. You'll overcome it, you'll see :)

06-06-09, 21:34
I dont have this phobia, but I appreciate your concern. You can close this if you want.