View Full Version : Increasing the dose again

06-06-09, 20:53
Anyone know if when you have started to decrease and withdraw over a period of a few months and then increase again because symptoms are back, you get the side effects back for a while. When i first went onto citalopram my panic got worse and I had upset tummy but after about two-three weeks it was fine. i've been on them for thwo and half years now and started to come off gradually since Novemebr but reducing below 10mg has brought back anxiety symptoms. I have now increased the dose and i am feeling the panic and tummy stuff again.

Lion King
10-06-09, 22:03
I think it could be to do with the length of time you have been on Cit, your body has grown a dependance on the meds to a certain degree which possibly means the drop in dosage time needs to be lengthened for longer periods, I guess this is the same as increasing the dose, it is trial and error to find the right dose so I think this could be the same for decreasing.

With increaing the dose you will more than likely suffer the side effects.

Hope things are going well

Lion King

15-06-09, 17:41
Thanks Lion King - I am back on 10mg and the symptoms have eased up I am feeling better again - bit worried that I'll never get off though