View Full Version : Constant nausea the final straw? Please help

06-06-09, 21:24
Hello everyone, I have had a million and one things wrong with me in the last 4 months, started with dizziness and lightheadedness, which caused panic attacks. Then bladder frequency also causing panic, then one problem after another I was sure was some sort of cancer or other. Last 2 days I have developed constant severe nausea. I am not new to nausea feel it all the time, but can usually control it. Now I feel terrified, I have a phobia of vomit too and I am at my wits end. I feel like ending it, I can;'t keep fighting this every day. It is stronger than I am. I would rather die than feel this sick all the time, that's no lie. I am panicking and completely lost today, don't know if I can face one more day like this. What can I do, I feel I have let my family down and failed by not recovering. Last week I was so nearly there, now this. I don't think I can do it anymore. Please any advice or similar experince would be great right now.

06-06-09, 23:09
Are you sure you don't have a tummy bug - there is one going round my me that just makes you feel very sick and everyone I know who has had it has been very sick as well but maybe if you have a vomit phobia you are able to stop yourself being sick. I would say give it another few days and if you still feel same way then see the Dr becasue a stomach bug would have got better by then.

06-06-09, 23:20
I have been vomiting and feeling sick with anx and panic for ages. Please try to stay calm and try chewing rennies or something which might help x tell people how you feel and ask for help love x

06-06-09, 23:21
I have been vomiting and feeling sick with anx and panic for ages. Please try to stay calm and try chewing rennies or something which might help x

07-06-09, 11:04
Thanks for your replies. I am sure its not a tummy bug as I can tell the feeling when you have a tummy bug, the sickness is more from the stomach, whereas this feels like its in the back of my throat. I know it sounds strange but I have had so much nausea all my life, I am 46 now, can tell one kind from another. This is a slightly different feeling, started with feeling quite sick when I burp, sudden short lived nausea, then I worried about what it could be and its become constant nausea and fearing the next wave of nausea. Its really getting me down as I am sure this will be with me constantly now.

Reallyfedup, how do you manage with your nausea and vomiting? How awful, are you sick all the time or just from time to time? I can't imagine anything worse because of my phobia! Do you manage to live your life and go out and about or are you housebound? Sorry for all the questions but relieved to find someone else in the same position, Its so isolating isn't it?

07-06-09, 12:26
I wake up with it and its anxiety kicking in- any time from 3 in morning. Sometimes (most days) I am sick in mornings then it passes and sometimes often all day. I force myself to eat a little and often but cant enjoy food as the feeling is vile. I chew rennies fruits if its a bad day. I am definitely not functioning as am house and sometimes bed bound x good luck

magpie girl
07-06-09, 12:58
I had this for a long time then finally my gp gave me metroclopramide which really helps ther are a number of things your gp can offer you , so dont put it off give him a visit :)

07-06-09, 15:54
Thank you I will try to get some tablets from my doctor. Reallyfedup have you tried to get anti sickness drugs from your doctor? Have you had tests and things to see what causes it? It seems awful that you have this so badly, how long have you been like this and is it only the nausea that bothers you or do you have other symptoms of anxiety that keep you housebound? I feel for you, I get out for essential things, no social or fun, I just do what I have to for the family and to keep as normal as possible for my family, do you have a family or anyone to look after you. I wish I could help.

07-06-09, 16:13
Hey up sausage, it sounds to me like your fear of being sick has caused your body to go into "vomit mode" -- your anxiety has created a self-fulfilling prophecy!

The only way to beat this is to deal with your phobia. I realise this is not easy. However, learning to overcome your fear of being sick is more effective in the long run than any other type of treatment -- it is your anxiety that is sending your body into this state. If you were not afraid of being sick, you would probably not want to be sick anymore, and even if you did it wouldn't bother you.

Dealing with phobias is very hard -- I have got a couple of phobias that have caused me serious distress -- all we can do is stop running and say "For God's sake enough!"

Maybe all of us with phobias can work together to find the best way to win.

07-06-09, 17:32
the vomiting only started 3 months ago... Either anx or side effects of meds- probably both at moment. Its the anx depression and agoraphobia as well that have kept me indoors. X

07-06-09, 19:06
Hi sweetie-Im so sorry to hear about what you are dealing with. When I first started having anxiety about ten years ago, I had something very similar, and went to the doc and got some simple pills that I took every time it started to come on. The funny thing was, he never suggested it could be caused by anxiety and I didnt even think about it. Now as I look back on my life I see the different physical symptoms that came out that I didnt know where anxiety until in the last few years it became full blown.
I say this because when you think you are "fine" as I did ten years ago, the anxiety can head straight to one part of your body, ie stomach! You say youve been doing so much better (Yay!), but I know when Im doing better I ALWAYS am keeping something pent up--because otherwise I feel like Im failing. Its something I have to work on! Could it be possible you do the same? And its coming out in your tummy? They say it is the most sensitive to our anxiety of any place in our body.
I really hope you are feeling better, pm me if you need. xoxoxo

07-06-09, 21:26
Thanks everyone for your kind replies, it really is so helpful at the moment. I would love to beat my phobia but I am 46 now and have had it all my life, so have come to realise it is as much a part of me a breathing. I can really only hope to manage it as I have been able to do in the past. Any tips for doing that welcome as I am fed up with living in fear of that everyday to!

I have suffered with nausea for many years, rarely a day goes bynthat I don't have a period of it, but for some reason I seem to have picked out some slight changes in the nausea, like a sudden wave that makes me think I will vomit, then passes really quickly and a mouth watery sort of feeling that again I relate to feeling sick. I know I am obsessing about these sensations and fearing them happening which is causing me to get panicky, yet I can't stop doing it! Hence I am feeling sick all day from the fear! Its so frustrating! I am trying hard to accept and relax and all those things, but its not easy. Have fought off the dizziness and bladder irritation of late and got on with life, now this, I am afraid to go anywhere in case I am sick! I would so hate to do that in front of anyone!!