View Full Version : hello

06-06-09, 21:25
I think I may have a problem and I know the reason why I have this problem but not what the problem is.

I'm sitting in my front room or in class or something and whoever is with me I have thoughts of killing them or torturing them. When I am alone I think about what will happen if I die and how I will die and what happens after death. When I think about it I get this feeling that goes around my body and tingles in my chest. After these thoughts I start to shake and become nervous and paranoid and my heart beats fast.

I don't know how to suppress these feelings but I don't want to go to the doctor or anything incase I am sectioned or something( I am 15, so they may tell my parents ).

I believe the reason why I have this problem is because when I was young my father commited suicide because he didn't want a child. I think this has impacted my mind somehow. The more I tell myself not to think about it the more I do think of it. It feels better to write it here, but I'm afraid to tell any of my relatives or friends incase they become scared of me.

I need help but I don't know what to do. Am I insane?