View Full Version : Anyone Have A Retinal Scar?

06-06-09, 22:04
I was just diagnosed with a scar on my retina which is causing me to see wavy lines and some distortion in my upclose vision. Going back for more tests next week. Been very upset today. Anyone ever had this?


06-06-09, 23:05
Is the scar from a retinal bleed??
I am severely short sighted from birth and now partially sighted due to cataract. They do not want to operate until both my eyes are as bad as each other which could be up to 5 yrs time.
Because of having abnormally large eyeballs from birth I have had other complications including a retinal bleed about 4 yrs ago. I woke up with a black hole in my vision that didn't move and when I blinked it flashed different colours! Luckily it was small hole and it healed itself - had to keep going for check ups but they did say it could leave a scar thankfully it didn't. I also had complications from the vitrious detachement that is normal in everyone but usually you don't know its happened but when it happened in one eye the vitrious went into large clumps and lots of debris as well so will have to have that taken out and replaced with artificial vitrious at a later date.
I think they usually use lasers on any retinal problems - if you can try and get referred to a large eye hospital and insist on a retinal surgeon. I would not be happy for my local hospital eye surgeons to deal with a retinal problem.
I paid to see the best retinal surgeon who invented the current cataract op and is at forefront of lens implants and he said when the time comes he will do it all on NHS but under him.

06-06-09, 23:07
Sorry just noticed that you are in USA and I am in UK so my advice re surgeons will not apply!

06-06-09, 23:56
I don't think I've had any retinal bleeding. He didn't know what has caused the scarring but I think the tests I'm going to have will show more. I think I'm having a fluorescein angiography and maybe and (OCT) to look for abnormal blood vessesls, fluid, or blood under the retina. I'm not real sure if I will have both of these tests. I know they do them to diagnose macular degeneration. Which he said he didn't think I have. I've been looking on the web (a no-no, I know) and I think it sounds like a retinal tear is the same thing as a macular pucker.

15-02-15, 13:46
I have been diagnosed with a macular pucker. It took a long time before I was finally given an answer as to why my vision was distorted. In the mean time doctors told me it was anxiety or cataracts forming.

So of course anxiety took hold and dug in deep.

I'm curious how many others are anxious over their distorted vision. I just can't get use to it.