View Full Version : Probably also general anxiety but, has anyone had persistent pain for 3-4 months?

07-06-09, 02:49
Hi everyone

So I have been doing pretty good with my fears and thus with my anxiety ... I think. I have been going to the gym a lot more which has been allowing me to blow off steam, and also the next-day soreness has been somewhat of a distraction for me since I can justify that any pains I am feeling are a result of a workout. Also it has been helping me to realize that I have not been getting weaker rather I have been making at least some progress and I am at least as strong as I ever was in every area.

Yet, I still get pain in the front right of my neck to the right and just south of my adams apple. Also, I have still been having the "weakness" feelings in my hands where they feel like they are going to cramp or I get an achey feeling in my forearm after use. All of these things still have me somewhat spooked, and in the back of my mind there is still this "what is wrong with me i think i'm dying" feeling.

So, has anyone actually had a persistent pain such as the one I'm getting in my neck? I am having worries again of things like Als, cancer. I have mostly put mad-cow out of my mind but to the extent that what I'm feeling doesn't track the progression of a normal disease, it is always in the back of my head as the catch-all for symptoms that don't line up.

I had been to some docs in april including a neuro who did a physical and said i was fine and that my probs were not neurological. I have this crazy notion that my symptoms are worse now, yet I don't think I am presenting any clinical weakness. My family doc said the pains I was feeling were probably "stress" or "anxiety" related. "I wouldn't be surprised if that pain in your neck was just a stress pain" is what he said. But it hasn't gone away it has been there EVERY DAY and feels worse over the past couple of weeks. --- me being the nut I am, I am thinking its some kind of bulbar symptom and I'm constantly checking my tongue which is always scalloped, wondering why my jaw feels weak, why I slurred that last word etc.

Anyhoo, I suppose I'm just reassurance-searching. I think back to when I had "heart problems" and they felt so real but after a clean cardiologist visit they disappeared. I was healthy feeling for months and i was riding this huge high feeling invulnerable until this hit me in the end of feb.

thanks in advance for anyone's help.

08-06-09, 18:04

08-06-09, 23:08
Hiya worried,

I can definately relate to long-term pain caused by stress. I have had neck, leg and arm pains for a very long time but, strangely enough, haven't been spooked by them. (Give me time tho!!:blush: ) I think I realise that being a long-term anxiety sufferer/phobic, I'm constantly tensing up and am sure this is what causes my pain. I would imagine that it's the same with you.

I hope you get more replies to your post - but from what I've read, I would say it's stress/anxiety-related.

Take care,

Wendy xx

09-06-09, 05:36
Hiya worried,

I can definately relate to long-term pain caused by stress. I have had neck, leg and arm pains for a very long time but, strangely enough, haven't been spooked by them. (Give me time tho!!:blush: ) I think I realise that being a long-term anxiety sufferer/phobic, I'm constantly tensing up and am sure this is what causes my pain. I would imagine that it's the same with you.

I hope you get more replies to your post - but from what I've read, I would say it's stress/anxiety-related.

Take care,

Wendy xx

thanks for the tip. I would also feel the same way if the pain was in a normal spot like the back of my neck. but the front of my neck just to the right/south of adams apple has got me spooked. :wacko:

10-06-09, 02:46
anyone ever get the feeling of a tired jaw? I keep getting it randomly. I don't know if its just me thinking too much but right now when i clench my teeth, my jaw feels funny, kinda tired.

10-06-09, 06:26
First I'll address the tired jaw: A lot of people grind their teeth at night and thus get that easier than others. Probably what happens to you, I wouldn't be concerned.

Second: The neck pain could be nothing but there is a gland in the neck called the Thyroid. If the thyroid is not functioning correctly-under or overactive (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism) this can cause an array of symptoms, although it is NOT serious. It can be fixed with some medication. Rarely there is cancer of the thyroid but this is almost always easily treated. Because you have neck pain I would ask your doctor to run a Thyroid panel to test the Thyroid function. It's hard to know if it is in the thyroid area without seeing your neck, but that is worth a shot anyhow. Easy blood test for them to run.

Hope this helps a little.

10-06-09, 10:15
I have thetried tingelly jaw thing.

10-06-09, 15:45
is the thyroid tested in a normal blood panel? he did a bunch of blood work and said he tested for "everything"

11-06-09, 19:25
bump for any more similar stories