View Full Version : steph

07-06-09, 05:47
hello everyone,

i am new and not sure of what i'm doing. i just had my first anixety attack last week and not sure but think i might still have something going on. i had a lot of the foggyness, forgetting things, and i couldn't taste anything. the doctor perscribed me something that starts with a p (can't think of it) and i'm still not sure what i want to do. i've never had this before and a lot of people told me if i change my life style it might help. such as eating and exercising. can anyone tell me if this seems possible to them? i guess i'm nervous because the doctor told me the meds could make me feel worse for awhile and i'm doubting them because i didn't really feel "bad" to begin with. just really strange and loopy. anyway, i would appreciate any advice. thank you

07-06-09, 07:23
Eating right & exercise is part of feeling well. if you have only had one anxiety attack, maybe it will go away if you take good care of yourself? Medication can have side affects that last up to a month. Then it starts to work properly. Facing fears can work for some people too. I am on medication & it helped me, but I had bad symptoms for 2 years or so before I took the plunge & took them. It's up to you in the end...

07-06-09, 08:53
A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

best wishes

di xx

07-06-09, 09:05
if it may make you worse for a while then it may be prozac my dr offered that to me as a choice but said it may make me feel worse im other option was diazepam so i said i will take the diaze. It may be an idea to reduce your caffeine intake i went cold turkey with the caffeine (cherry coke diet). Try not to over analzie the thoughts that are making you anxious as that seemed to be affect my recovery... i feel i am on the right track and hope to be my normal self soon ...just try to keep positive

08-06-09, 02:12
thank you for the comments. people have told me that the lack of taking care of myself could have been a big issue. i eat out way to much, drink a lot of soda and besides taking care of a household on my own don't do much exercising. so i am going to try to change all that and see if it helps. the medicine the doctor perscribed is paxil. i'm not sure if it would help
i kind of gradually went into this "attack, is that what it's called??" over a couple days that i can tell. started by not really feeling with it for a couple hours here or there one day, then constantly the next day, then forgetting almost everything the next. then i started thinking i was going nuts, lost control and cried hysterically for an hour or so. i am 28 with a nine year old son and a husband that works away from home months at a time, we live in a town that is three hours away from all our family. so i ran through the quetions of what happens if i can't take care of my son? what if i can't be left home alone? is my husband ready to give up his career to take care of us if he has to or will i have to move back to my home town to have help? then i called the one real friend i have in my area and asked her to pick up my son from school so i wouldn't have to drive. and finally i called my mom and told her i really needed her to come stay with me because i was losing my mind and i didn't know why. after an hour or so i started feeling better than i had in days. not 100% normal but better. i'm wondering if this could have been because without really thinking it, i had less stress because i knew my son was taking care of. does this sound possible to anyone? and is it normal to feel "aftershocks" for a while? my husband is home now which is helping but i still have moments when i am feeling "unreal". kind of like i did when it all started. i'm sorry this is so long but i am long winded and i am still quite confused by all of this. i would appreciate any help from anyone. thank you.