View Full Version : Does Citalopram affect your weight?

07-06-09, 10:52
I have been on citalopram for a few months now and find it really helps with hormones/monthlies and my nerves. But I have found I have put a lot of weight on and hate it. Is it because we are more comfortable or is it a bit like the pill and prone to make you put weight on or am I just making excuses for myself..


07-06-09, 16:53
I was on Citalopram for a couple of years and I also put on a lot of weight. It does say in the leaflet that it can increase your appetite, and increase or decrease your weight.

Looking back now, I'm thinking that because Citalopram made me feel so much better at the time, I became more sociable and happier, and I tend to go out to eat a lot when I'm happy. So I reckon that was the real reason for the weight gain, not the Citalopram itself. I started the Slimming World diet while on Citalopram, and it worked, which tells me the weight gain wasn't really due to the meds.


07-06-09, 18:47
I would say that it is one of my causes of weight gain as i have taken them for a couple of years and put on over a stone. I have cut down on chocolate, chips, pizza etc and i still have a weight problem and just can't lose it!