View Full Version : Hello to those who know & care.

07-06-09, 11:40
Hello everyone,

I am a sufferer of a severe form of generalized social phobia. I have suffered from this illness for nearly 30 years before I sought help. It as had a considerable effect on my life and left me feeling socially isolated and resulted in me suffering from depression. In February of last year I was diagnosed by a psychologist and started receiving treatment for my condition. I have since come to terms with my illness and have made steady progress. It will take time before I defeat this affliction but I am optimistic that I will.

For years I have felt that I was odd, strange or different but now I know I am just ill. To all those of you out there who are suffering or have suffered from anxiety or depression you have my most heartfelt sympathy and deepest empathy.

07-06-09, 14:56
Welcome to the site. There are many great people on here who never fail to offer support and empathy.:welcome:

07-06-09, 15:19
Hi there, welcome to NMP :)

You said you're optimistic that you will defeat this. This is great! It's sooooo sooooo soooo important to be positive, as it will definately help you on your road to recovery, so a huge thumbs up for that :)

NMP is full of support and information that you may find useful, so please have a look around and never be afraid of asking for advice or help, we're a friendly bunch here and we are with you every step of the way.

Take care,

Chrissy x

08-06-09, 00:40
Yes I felt just like that :lac: Than I decided that it was a hiding place, don't hide be you, express youself! Find the outlet that's right for you :)