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07-06-09, 14:22
I have been taking Citalopram for just over a week now for severe panic attacks and feel much worse than I did. I have had a very stressful period over the last 9 months, a bereavement, 2 relatives hospitalised and I have an executive job which is very demanding and stressful. I now feel very low and sometimes just cant cope which is new since taking the drug. One of the main symptoms is feeling unreal as if I am going to lose control and this is my biggest fear. Driving has become a very anxious thing for me and whilst I am still going to work, I am really really struggling. I am forcing myself to go to work asI am afraid of being alone at home with my thoughts. I have 3 children and a good husband but nothing seems to cheer me up. I have just downloaded panic away from the website and I am reading through it to see if it works. Also have started to attend a keep fit class. The panic attacks seem to have come on me since i started a diet....dont know if this is coincidence but I am desperately looking for some assurances that things will get better. Sorry for the long post but I just need to get help.

07-06-09, 14:33
Hi B, sorry to hear you are having such a tough time. I too have been on Citalopram for just a week after being diagnosed with postnatal depression. I am pleased to say that I have had none of the side effects you have experienced, but that maybe because our problems are very different. Obviously I can't give any advice as I have only been on it the same length of time as you, but I have read lots of threads on this site and it does seem that it will take 2 to 3 weeks to start to work, so I think, if you can, keep going and hopefully you will start to feel a little better soon. Another bit of advice from regular users of the site is to maybe ask your doctor to lower your dose initially (not sure what you are on at the moment) which may help.

Take care. T x

07-06-09, 15:00
yep, everything I've read on here seems to indicate it takes upto a month to work, its quite a hard medication, and your body is adjusting to it

08-06-09, 15:15
I'm on 20mg. started on 10mg for 4 days and then upped it on advice of GP. I'm trying really hard to face up to the feelings and not let them take over but it is draining. I take mine before I go to bed at night and I am sleeping until midday. I really appreciate you all taking the time to respond.
with best wishes and good luck to all of you

15-06-09, 20:32
I have been taking Citalopram for just over a week now for severe panic attacks and feel much worse than I did. I have had a very stressful period over the last 9 months, a bereavement, 2 relatives hospitalised and I have an executive job which is very demanding and stressful. I now feel very low and sometimes just cant cope which is new since taking the drug. One of the main symptoms is feeling unreal as if I am going to lose control and this is my biggest fear. Driving has become a very anxious thing for me and whilst I am still going to work, I am really really struggling. I am forcing myself to go to work asI am afraid of being alone at home with my thoughts. I have 3 children and a good husband but nothing seems to cheer me up. I have just downloaded panic away from the website and I am reading through it to see if it works. Also have started to attend a keep fit class. The panic attacks seem to have come on me since i started a diet....dont know if this is coincidence but I am desperately looking for some assurances that things will get better. Sorry for the long post but I just need to get help.
Hi ther, How are you,my 4th night is tonight, im feeling more anxious than i did b4 starting citalopram. Day 1 af taking cit, i was feeling sick dizzy wiped out, day 2 i was completly out of it, i took yesterdays at night time went off great, then woke up panikin, could not get back to sleep been spaced all day today lets see wat tonight brings, I had a tragic loss, an tragic incident to deal with i lost my home last week due to a burst culvet flooded right out plus i teach and find my job very demanding. Im struggling to go out, dont wanna face no-one. But was alone today for the first time and my thoughts over took me. so i started cleaning eratically to take my mind off it, then overdone it nearly passin out. If your suffering with depression my personal opinion is dont diet as this can add to it, deal with one thing at a time. feel better in yourself then learn to accept and love who u are by having positive thoughts about yourself. Im having bad experiances with citalopram like yourself. The keep fit class put it on hold until u feel better or u could just over do it. i have a partner an 3 children one being a baby and for me its an uphill struggle. I feel as if im in autodrive floating about its horrible. But hey i dont think it can get any worse x my thoughts r with u x x:yesyes:

17-06-09, 13:38
Hi Bess,

I am on my 20th day on 20mg Citalopram today. I have suffered with General Anxiety Disorder for about 6 years, it comes and goes in bouts but this time it was a biggy. I would definately say stick with it. I get very bad de-personalisation myself and health fears, but i found my brain beginning to rationalise again over the past couple of days and stop constantly thinking the "What if's?". i would try to keep everything as normal as possible, i too take mine before bed and i am quite hazy up untill lunch time but im feeling positive that my body will adjust. i also felt very low for the first week and got quite upset that instead of having anxiety and panic attacks that the pills had given me depression instead! But you need to be aware that the citalopram is there to level out your serotonin so its understandable over the beginning that your body needs to find a happy medium.
Other people i know have taken these before and the first thing they said to me was that they do work but just be aware that if you do experience side effects in the beginning thats all they are-side effects, and not to get yourself worked up. So im just going to pass that on to you!
I find this site really helps me to vent some of the stuff that clogs my head up and helps me to calm down so feel free to message if you need a chat.

Take Care.