View Full Version : Bleeding and cramps

07-06-09, 16:03
Has anyone had bad effects after having the Mirena coil Removed? I am in pain and bleeding very heavy. Was removed Monday, this started yesterday


07-06-09, 18:40
Hi EmmaJane. I have had three coils in the past but usually one was removed then another fitted at the same time. When I had a coil removed I did experience heavy bleeding. Could this be your period? If this doen't settle down or seem excessive with clots I would contact your GP.

07-06-09, 18:48
im sure i read one like this the other day, she went to the dr and found out she had an infection but she did have a high temperature and felt awful. I think it may due to the removal and the change in your hormones possibly?

07-06-09, 18:53
Sunndyd that would make sense as the coil releases progesterone. Maybe the absence of that would cause excessive bleeding? I really feel this needs to be checked out as it does not seem quite right.