View Full Version : Hi new to this site....

07-06-09, 17:16
Hi my name is Debb, and I'm new to this site.. I have had panic attacks for 23 years.. But Itry to keep a postive attitude.. I have a great job been in the same job for 16 years .. my attacks started when i was in an abusive marriage.. once it was over i thought they would go..no they stay.. that was 16 years ago... I try to be positive every day ... I guess everyone would know some days are harder than others.. I try not to leave the house other than going to work.. not only because of the panic attacks but im legally blind and only have 3% vision... my doctor says that tis makes my panic attacks worse..when i'm out doors.. sometimes i wish my life was different ...but every other day I cherish every day...and I glad to be me..dont get me wrong i wonder what it would be like to be free of panic attacks....my sister has panic attacks too.. i wonder if its a gene thing?

Regards Debb:)

07-06-09, 18:45
i think it can be genetic, I also think its terrible that some other person has made you feel this way. Im glad you are able to work as well with your panic attacks, as i presume this provides a level of distraction.x

07-06-09, 19:15
Hi deb

Lovely to meet you and welcome along to NMP :flowers:

I am sure you will get lots of support and advice here.

Take care

07-06-09, 21:03
Hi Deb, I'm new too and come from a family of worriers. Yes I think genetics play a part. Not all down to us. Welcome from me. :flowers:

07-06-09, 22:53
Hello there

welcome to nmp!!!

Keep strong and try to be positive and this will help you through,
