View Full Version : Dizzy/stop Thinking Nonsense

07-06-09, 19:24
Pls Help Is There Any Tip On How To Stop This Dizziness,light Headedness?

2) How To Stop The Mind From Thinking And Worrying Too Much Of Everything. How To Relax The Mind And Stop All This Anxiety And Panic Attack. I Am So Tired Of This, It Is Always With Me, 24/7. I Can't Smile Or Be Normal Anymore. I Avoid People And Happiness. Pls Hlep. I Am Going Crazy

07-06-09, 19:44
destraction, is a good one like doing something creative which takes you mind of things, keeping yourself busy, i try to tell my self when im having a negative thought... to relax, its just my anxiety, there is nothing wrong with and it will pass. i do forget from time time, but i have notice that the thoughts are getting slightly less :O). Oh an been positive about how much i have achieved since my anxiety started.

07-06-09, 19:46
oh i have found by trying not to let the dizzy thoughts bother me ( as notice them when i wake up) then they disappear later in the day as well. You could try it seee if it helps.

07-06-09, 19:47

You say that you avoid people and happiness! Have you maybe thought that this could be contributing to your anxiety? I suffer from agoraphobia but i could never cut myself off from the outside world. We all need some normality in our lives and to detach ourselves from that is bound to have an effect.

I am sorry if i am being harsh but i read so many of your daily posts on the same subject but i never see anything positive like something you are doing to help yourself.

I think you need to direct some of your negative energy into something more positve. Do things that make you happy. Spend time with family/friends. Do as much as you can without focusing on anxiety because if you are going to live, eat and sleep anxiety then i am afraid nothing will every change.


07-06-09, 20:00
i agree with bottled blonde, i feel i have come so far with being positive. Trust me in the 1st week all so i was in tears for practically no reason now i don't think it cried for a at least a couple of days its keeping positive that keeps me down, you have a blip brush it of try again a different time when your less stressed and anxious.:hugs:

07-06-09, 20:28
Alba I will tell you how I was able to climb out of my anxiety and depression. Have some structure to your days. Try to do a relaxation cd everyday. Walk even if it is only to the local shops and back. Listen to some relaxing music (I used to lisen to the same cd over and over again. Confide in someone tell them how you' re feeling. Try to cook one healthy meal a day even if it is beans on toast! Try to attempt one thing that you are afraid of mine was a fear of buses (I was terrified but I went on the bus everyday) If you have meds take them. Say some affirmations to yourself when you get up Claire Weekes is a good starting point.Try not to go back to bed during the day. As you begin to feel better you might want to keep a diary of your feelings to show to your doctor or psychiatrist. Attempting something new will help too. Mine was yoga. Trust me you will start to feel better soon.

08-06-09, 06:25
thanking so much for yr help and replies, i will read it soon, now i am having bad headache, but last night i got very very bad night when i try to sleep i feel my head is so so tense and keep waking me up, the brain wake me up every 10minute, i feel awake and dizzy to move and i must really take 100% control to relax myslef if not i think i go crazy, i force myself to cool and relax and it take so very big big effort and i make it,i do fall asleep, i keep on telling myself sleep, and if i can't sleep it;s ok, i just close my eyes and it's so painful becos each timei close my eyes, i feel so panciky scared and lost, so i open up my eyes and stare at my feet so long until i fall alseep and the brain did awake me up every 10mins, then i close my eyes over and over again. and funny thing this morning i don't feel so much dizziness, i see doctor as i am taking tranpsort it's so crowded i nearly lost control suddenly i feel dizzy and light headed and i know i am starting to panicky, it all come and i feel so embrassed if i am to lose control there, so i close my eyes and thanks God i am ok, and when i come down i lost my way, maybe too anxiety until i lost my way, i think of what happneing, i lose control again, then i force myself to keep on walking, and i got back my way, when i want to cross i tell myself wow can i make it across the road, i say slowly i try, if i can't i keep on imagining i faint on the roadside, then ppl will come ....then i stop awhile and i really make so much effort to cross the road and as iam reaching the doctor office, i keep on telling myself i make it, i am going to reward myself for reeaching the doc office successfully.

now i got to sleep, i am so tired and sleepy , my blood test showed i am anaemia, with Haemoglobin of 9.6L, what's RBC? RBC 4.38, platets 425H.my platelets is on high side. i guess that also contributed to my giddyness.

08-06-09, 06:50
its good you have been to the docters i hopehe is going to help you ,,i think you do need meds as you have bad anxietyi feel for you ,,its ok all these peopl telling you to snap out try taking mind off it ,,in a way i agree but we all know ts earier said than done ,,some have it worse than others ,,,its not nice ,,hope you feel bit better soon love margaret:hugs:

08-06-09, 07:33
ocr gav me xanax, i thought i am better, but NO. I KEEP ON wanting to be alone, i don' t want people around me, i just want to be alone, and my dad just call up, he want to come and visit me, i say NO, i jsut want to be alne, i canot take it anymore, why am i like this, i can't take it , i feel i f i talk to people, or anybody, my brain will get so tense and i get dizzy, becos my dad now also having his own problems, and he 's moody too, when i talk to him, (becos he's also bad mood), i get stress and dizzy, but when will i ever get better? sometimes when ithink too deeply i get dizzy and light headed. now i am trying to sleep, but my dad coming the thought of that make me dizzy. when he come he will say i am not good mum, housewife, house in mess, nver control mykids nand he is upset my house in mess, so iam a bit stress here, tried calming down but i can't i am dizzy again, i thought ican be alone and be ok, but just this incident cos me to feel so dizzy agian,

08-06-09, 10:35
Help Again, I Though T I Am Good Better, But I Felt So Sleepy And Drowsy Again. Should I Just Go To Sleep Each Time I Feel Sleepy Or Should I Force Myslef To Be Awake And Walk Around, I Am Confuse, I Thought If I Sleep I Wake Up Better But No, I Wake Up Worse, Pls Tell Me Should I Go To Sleep Each Time I Am Sleepy Or Should I Stay Awake, Will I Be Okay If I Stay Awake. I Am Going To Take Xananx Later. 1/2 Tablets, I Forgot She Say 1 Or 1/2 I Better Take 1/2 To Be Safe

08-06-09, 12:43

There is only so much advice people can give before WE give up. Again i am sorry for being blunt but i am finding this whole saga extremely tiresome now.


08-06-09, 15:14
so sad that you say people will give up, i am very disappointed, everybody is always giving up on me, i am just asking for advice, and i tried my best to do the advice, and all i need is patience,caring, i just need assurance and to think that u said all will give up on me, its hurting and sad esp. at this moment of time, i needed all yr support, i just want to feel secure , good and following yr advice , but now i feel so insecure and hurt and just feel no one can help me. anyway thanks alot for reminding me and warning me , but it 's so so sad for me as u said the whole saga is tiresome, i don't want to trouble anybody, i am very sincerely in so much pain now. all i need is support, patience and assurance , and what u hv been thru. for all that has help me, i am so sorry if u all feel troublesome or tiresome, i am sorry i am just too too very scared of all this.

08-06-09, 15:50

That was just my personal opinion so please don't take it to heart or think others won't help and advise you.

Take care and i really hope you feel better soon


eternally optimistic
08-06-09, 16:08
Hi all

Generally I'm pretty good at the moment - my fingers are tightly crossed.

But, today I did the bank run for work and was in the queue and got to the cashier and the whole body rush thing happened. I got EXTREMELY fidgety and really felt I was losing my mind and thought I was going to have to leg it without saying anything.

I had a problem at the bank once and I get uptight.

I WISH I could physically control this rush thing because it really frightens me.

Any ideas also welcome.

10-06-09, 14:48
Hi Again I Am So Dizzy The Whole Day Today And Yesterday, It All Started Worst After I Meet That Person Who Bully And Humilate Me, The Moment I Accidentally Meet This Person, I Felt Suddden Giddy, Lose Control Of Myself, Then The Dizziness Start Till Today, It Never Go Away Aminute, I Hate This Feeling, Now I Feel My Face Hot, And Dizzy, Light Headed And Swaying, I Am So Stress Now, Can This Dizziness Ever Go Away?