View Full Version : As if my bloody has run cold!

07-06-09, 20:28
I don't know if anyone has had this - I hope they have:blush:

I was just sitting here minding my own business, quite relaxed, not thinking about nerves or panic or anything, when all of a sudden it was like my blood had run cold, I really can't explain it any other way, this brought on a full blast panic attack, which has now died down but I still feel funny. Alright so I accept the panic attack 'cause I've had them for a long time, but anyone know what this feeling in my body was or have you had it yourself?

I'm on edge now & can't relax, waiting for it to come on again!!

Just before this happened I had to put the heating on because I'd been sitting here quite cold for a long time. Ok it's June but it's cold here.

OMG whatever next? Please let me know if you have had this feeling 'cause it frightened the heck out of me:weep:


07-06-09, 20:31
wow i can understand why you are scared, im wondering if because you need to eat something sounds strange i know but i had a panic attack which i put down mainly cus i was late for makinhg dinner and was hungry at the time cus i suddenly felt dizzy.

07-06-09, 20:59
Hi sunny

I had just eaten not long before that feeling came on. I have looked in every book & scoured the internet for this symptom, it doesn't seem to be anything to do with nerves, which of course scares me even more. I'm sitting here on edge & as tense as hell waiting for it to come on again. Such a shame because I had a relatively good day up until now (good day to me means little anxiety).

Now of course I am having all the symptoms of everything you can think of because my body & mind are in such a state. I can't even get angry about it anymore, it's just so exhausting & frightening. I want to say "to hell with it" but I just can't!! Sorry for rambling on. I need help! I need to go to mental health hospital or something cause this is ridiculous!!


07-06-09, 22:15
Hi hun, :D :hugs:

I am not active on the forums at the mo, due to personal reasons, I am still panic, high anxiety free because of this great site.

I read your thread and I can relate to what your saying. I myself have cold times when I feel REALLY COLD, so cold, the only way to warm up, is have a hot bath. Mmmm, however, when I was acute this did seem to get worse, would feel really cold. I remember saying to a friend, it sometimes felt like a cold wave, then I would shudder, but other times it would just be there, feeling sooo cold. I still get this from time to time and go and have a hot bath to warm me up.

Is it anxiety related???? Mmm, I don;t no, sorry, is it hormone related, Mmm maybe. I do feel this MORE when I am due on at certain times of the month, SO, for me, I have put it down to hormone changes. In the winter ohhhh boy, this feeling used to feel 10 times worse. I don't like being cold. OR, it could be due to anxiety, nervouse system, nearve ending. The nevrovus system is the largest organ in your body, it covers ALL your skin and every organ, it can give lots of symtpoms and sensations, when acute with anxiety, which can be very scary, BUT ALL are harmless.

This sensation happened to me last night, felt the cold wave and stayed cold, so I went and had a hot bath and went to bed, the feeling past and I have been fine today.

I know how dame hard it is NOT to worry about a symptom, but hun, you know, if you worry, the worrying makes it worse, PLEASE hun, let it pass, try NOT to think about it, easy said than done, I know, BUT, this may NEVER happen again, its NOTHING to worry about.

Hope this has been of some help.



07-06-09, 22:58
Hi Jill

Thanks very much for replying. Glad you are on the road to recovery:) :)

I know when you say that cold feeling that just won't go away, I have this actually quite a lot. But this feeling of blood running cold was something I've never had before in 34 years. It is hard not to worry, I'm trying to take my mind off it but it's hard.

I know my body so well:blush: that the slightest difference in anything brings me to a panic/anxiety/tension!


I know that someone who doesn't suffer with their nerves, wouldn't probably think anything of differences in their bodies or probably not even feel them. It's like we're 'tuned' into every part of our bodies & any difference brings on worry, I suppose it's having a 'sensitized' body & mind!

How do you turn your mind off to stop thinking & feeling everything that's going on in your body? This sounds so stupid, but I even feel when one ear is either cold or hot!! God I need help & can't get it! I just can't do this on my own! I have read all the books, listened to all the tapes, seen a clinical psychologist years ago, put myself in hospital many years ago, but came out after 3 days cause it wasn't for me. It's not like I've sat on my arse for 34 years & done nothing to hep myself. I'm exhausted & have had enough.

Sorry to go on, thanks again Jill for replying even though you say you're not active lately on the forums.


09-06-09, 00:48
Hi hun :D :hugs:

You don't have to say sorry, you have nothing to be sorry about :hugs: thats what this site is all about, venting, I know, it does help.

Hunny, you have read about anxiety and you know that symptoms can change from time to time, when we start dealing with a symptom ohh boy, it can throw another one at us, if we do not fear this symptom it finds one that we will fear OR question. Anxiety NEEDS are fears and negative questions to surivive, BUT, I do know how DAME hard it is NOT to fear new symptoms.

Els, you say you want nerves of steal, ohhh hunny, I have never met anyone with nerves of steal, maybe with some things but NOT with everything, we as humas are made to feel some anxiety, its there to protect us, in many, many different ways. In fact, if I met somene who had total nerves of steal, they would have NO feeling at all, no emotions AND that would be sad.

When we are learning to recover, what we try and do, is to chip away at it, at first, all we ask is a very tiny noticable change, BUT, when acute we have to go in search for this little change because when acute Mrs anxiety is there showing us the negative sides of things.

I myself, when acute, with panic, high levels of anx, never had health anxiety, I count my blessing on that, but in my past (befor panic) I have been a number of times for something to the gp and past on for test, only to find, there was nothing wrong.

You asked the question "how do you turn your mind off to stop thinking and feeling everthing in your body" there is no doubt that this is DAME HARD, but not impossible. Have you read the books about your minds programming, how the mind is being programmed all day every day? We start to chip away at the negative programming, little by little, this can take awhile, it is NOT easy because Mrs anxiety is with you every step of the way, with the negativaty, we keep chipping,

Just say you feel that one ear is warmer than the other, FOR ME, I used to give myself good reason for it doing that,or with any other sensation in my body, depending on what is was, allow it to be there, tell myself its OK, alot of peoples ears do this, ANY postive statement, ohhh I know I know you will say, I have allready done that, BUT hunny, what you are trying to do is to re-programme your negative thinkiing, to more positive reasuring ones, AND this takes time.

My heart goes out to you, you say 34 years, ohhh my goodness :hugs: BUT, I could say negatively, I have had some form of anxiety all my life and I am 45, BUT, this is far to negative. Mmm long story, will not go into that. I AM panic, high anxiety free, even went on Dickinsons real deal the other day AND I am going to be on the tv, hehe, yaaa go me, LOL would NEVER have even done anything like that in the past, I was shocked at myself, but proud too, not sure how I am going to feel when I see myself on the tv :blush: :roflmao: talk about nerves, blimey, I called on all that I had learnt on her and still felt sick and funny, BUT, I did it, LOL going back next time, got £120 pounds for what I took, GREAT :yesyes:

I do know, first hand, how dame hard it is to get the right help and support, I myself never got any help, I helped myself, BUT, there is somene close to me who needs help and getting the support that is needed and the right support is sooooooo DAME HARD.

If this is any help, what I feel is needed when you are acute is...

a talking therapist, (some one to talk to who will get to know you, help YOU get to know yourself, not just your anxiety life, but your life in genral, how you think, your likes your dislikes ) I was just saying the other day, that a person who suffers panic, anxiety, reads books after books after books, but what they forget, whats just as important to read, is themselves, meaning, how there life is in genral, not the anxiety or panic, but in there everyday lives that need to be addressed, even little things, even little changes help soooo much. I was once told by my hubby when learning self prase that I was going to far because making a cuppa in the kitchen on my own, he heard me say out loud to myself "ohh you do make a lovely cuppa Jill " LOL as far as I was concerned ANY little positive statment helps.

CBT, now cbt can be used for many, many things, not just panic or anxiety, but it can be addapted to all parts of your life, learning how to talk to yourself, learn how to give yourself a positive outlook on your emotional illness. but like any therapy, ohhhhhhh boy, it takes time and practice and its bl**dy dame hard to learn.

A good support negwork around you.

NOW, I know, first hand that all above is very, very hard to get all at once

I have no doubt in my mind that you have tried everything hunny :roflmao: this is soooooo dame hard to recover from,PLEASE don't be to hard on yourself,:hugs: and I feel, your doing really well, even though you don't think so yourself,:hugs: the strongest of man or women would feel the same in your shoes, please, be kind to yourself, its a must, it helps us move on a little, its not easy getting better, learning to bring are anxietys down to a more manegable leverl, BUT not impossible, please hunny, keep looking keep searching, YOU WILL get there in the end.

Don't you EVER give up hope :hugs: I know, that you need a good foundation to work from and having hope is a good foundation because, if you don't believe you WILL get better, everything you are trying to learn is undermind by Mrs anxiety, she tells you, I told you so, you can't get better, YOU have to give yourself hope, I have been a memeber of this site for Mmm over 4 years and I know of people who have gotten better, its just there not active because they are getting on with there lives and thats how it should be. :yesyes:

As you know this site is a great place to be, the advice is priceless, the knowlege I have gained from this site has helped me, not only learn to understand panic, anxiety, but helped me understand that I had to learn to know myself, all the good things AND all the bad things about myself.

I am not sure if I have been of any help at all, but this is my lack of confidance kicking in, it needs work, LOL but I know why is down, dealing with somthing right now that is breaking my heart, SO, its OK, life throws things at you at times, its a challege, BUT I WILL WIN, I WILL, help the person who is breaking my heart, she means the world to me, she is my daughter, who, at just age 3, with NO warning signs, started to have pa's, high anxiety, she is 15 now and having a blip, sorry to go on, will not go into that, long story.

When she was young I NEVER had ANY idea what she was going through, I did not suffer panic, high levels of anx till many, many years later.

So this is how I know how DAME hard it is to get the right treatment, she has, the support around her (her family) she has, therapist who are willing to help. BUT, righ now, she is pushing the help away:lac: her anxiety is getting in the way of getting help, if you know what I mean. ohh sorry woffling LOL but this is why I stopped coming on this great site, I lost my way for awhile when she first paniced, I was finding it dame hard to NOT think about what she was going through, I new, how she felt, I new the fear, :lac: she would not even go over the frot door, my mind went into overdrive, my knowledge of what was needed to be done was going over and over in my mind 24/7, I found it very, very hard to shut it down, BUT, I got her out and about, she is moving on, BUT, at the time of dealing with her I forgot the number one rule when dealing with issues, take a break and think about myself from time to time, Ohhh silly me, never mind, back on track now, at least she has moved forward and I AM SOOO PROUD OF HER, at the time, she did, everything I asked of her, I am, soooo proud of her, she is still moving forward, I WILL, like in the past, GET HER BETTER.

Els, YOU hang in there, believe in yourself, YOU CAN DO THIS,

Ohh my turn to say sorry for going on, I can woffle, LOL



09-06-09, 02:16
Hi Jill

Wow, thanks for replying in such great detail:)

I am so sorry about your daughter, 3 years of age is very young to have this anxiety, but am very glad she is now on the road to recovery.

Perhaps you will let us know when you're going to be on the tv:D :yesyes: it is great to hear of someone who has come a long way through this panic like you have.

Yes I wish I had nerves of steel, I know you say that someone like that would be a robot, but the way I feel now, I'd rather be a robot than feel like I do!

I need to see someone who can help me, I know that I have to do 99% of the work but I get no help at all, I was told at a CBT assessment that I could have CBT & when I went for my first appointment, she said that they wouldn't do it unless I prepared to come down off my medication!! She did offer to refer me for alternative councilling (sp) but I was so upset & angry I basically told her where to go!! That being said, she has written to me & I can write back & ask her to refer me.

I was like you, a frightened child but I don't think I had pa's although when I was 12 years old, I thought I was having a heart attack!!! God knows why!!! So it's innate in us from birth I think.

To cut a very long story short, I had the first pa at age 18. Between the ages of 23 & 27 I was so bad with anxiety that I went into hospital twice (voluntarily) & went down to 7 stone in weight, then for whatever reason got some what better. Then some years later had some more time when I was bad again & got somewhat better again. 3 years ago had another bad bout because of not being able to get my medication anymore (tranxene), now the last 2 months has been hell again. Trouble is each time I have no idea why I seem to get a little better, so I don't know what to do this time. All the other times there were reasons for getting bad again, but not this time, nothing out of the ordinary has happened, so I have no clue!

Anyway, I have been reading Dr Weekes books over & over again, I know what she's saying is so true, but so hard to do. I do have such a habit of bringing myself down, I must start to be kinder to myself & start saying positive things, it will be hard though.

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply Jill. I wish you & your daughter all the best.
Take care.

09-06-09, 08:23
Yes I believe I have had this sensation many a time, but have never felt alarmed by it. I naturally presumed it was normal. x

12-06-09, 13:57
Hi Els :D :hugs:

I do hope this symptom has passed now hun :hugs: I know how dame hard this emotional disorder can be ( don't like to call it mental)

I am soo sorry to hear that you are finding it hard to get the help you sooo dearly NEED, this can be hard hun, but PLEASE, DON'T give up, :hugs: When I said to you that the anxiety and stress of the anxiety can get in the way of getting better, this can happen when dealing with therapist, our minds are full of anxiety and stress and we can find in sooo dame hard to understing what they are trying to do or say, it can be soo frustrating we don't understand WHY we are like this, that is why I said, we need, a therapist to help us find the reasons why it happens and the cbt to help us coping skills to bring the anxiety down to a more maegable level.

From what you have said about your meds hun, ohhhh boy, when I was acute I would have taken ANY meds to make me feel better and ONYONE suggesting me come off the meds I was on, would have sent my mind into a negative overdrive, so hunny, please be kind to yourself, its only natral for you to feel unsure about meds, maybe you can talk the cbt therapist and put your fears across, THEY ARE there to listen to what you have to say, they CANNOT make you do things you don't want to do, but if you talk and suggestion that coming off your meds NOW, you feel is not right, BUT, after recieving therapy and learning to understand things a little more, you would consider reducing your meds, very, very slowly.

I feel, when a person is acute with anxiety, it is very hard when seeing a therapist for the sufferer to know and understand that THEY are in full controll of what happens with there therapy, things are suggested to them to do, BUT, the sufferer IS IN FULL controll of the sutuation and THEY can take everything at there own pace.

Hun :hugs: YOU NEED this support, so please right or talk to them about ANY help that is out there for you. Take one day at a time hun.

Thank you for taking the time to give me some of your past history, as I said, I am not that active at the mo. I used to read, EVERY thread that came through this site, but at the mo, I am cutting back because I can get a little involved in things on here, so NEED to stay focust at home at the mo, but still will be popping on from time to time.

The hardest thing to understand is, there is always a reason for panic and anxiety, BUT, finding that reason CAN be DAME HARD. This is why talking therapy helps, maybe NOT talkiing about your anxiety side of your life, but when your feeling ok, is there ANYTHING there in the way you look at life and deal with day to day stuff that needs to be addressed, this is why I say, get to know yourself, is there anything that needs to change in your life. I myself had things to change, from the smallest of things to the biggest of things, will not go into that unless you feel it will help hun.

I have looked into genetic (make up) side of things, there seems to be no fact on this, BUT, from what I have read and seen a programme on the tv, chiildren CAN be born sensitive, if noticed in time, this can be nipped in the but, so to speak. For me, I feel, this went un noticed and over a long period of time, I got the wrong diognoses for certain symptoms I had, eg, tierdness, sooo tierd I could sleep on a washing line ohh long story (will not go into that) but just say, over the years THIS symptom alone effectived my life in sooo many different ways.

My daughter, for reason I am yet to find out, Mmm maybe I never will, I don't really know the answers, not even the therapist can tell me. I have 2 kids, my son is 3 years older than my daughter and is just fine. I treated BOTH my kids the same, in fact when I had kids, I went out my way to build confidance in both of them, it was only when my daughter went to nursery that panic reared it ugly head Mmmm and the rest is histroy so to speak, you know how panic feels, us as parents NEVER new what is was AND neither did any docters, we where running blind for the first 3 years, ohh long story, will not go into that.

SO, I DO feel that we can be born sensitive, BUT, I also feel that we can learn how to stop, the panic and learn how to bring our anxietys down to a more manegagle level, ohhhhh NOT easy though, it takes a hell of alot of hard work, time AND the right support.

YOU :hugs: know yourself, you CAN come through this, you have done it before AND YOU CAN DO IT AGAIN, please hun, believe in yourself, you are alot stronger than you think.:hugs:

Ohh I can woffle, but learning about panic, anxiety is the hardest thing I have EVER had to learn, learning about myself was just as hard.